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Sender: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
From: saiks samateh <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 03:24:17 PDT
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Hi Brother

I do see your point very clearly.This invitation is clearly out to save the
dirty face of  the AFPRC government.The money that Dr Jammeh is expected to
donate to the organization is the money of Gambian tax payers ,Jammeh should
be told to return that money back to the Gambian people and not been encourage
to travel abroad and dishing it out.Just yesterday a Gambian suffering from
some form of cancer is desperately appealing to all of us to save his life
because he could not be threated in the Gambia,where are all the hospitals
that are said to have been built in the Gambia,is it not a duty upon us,as
good Gambians,good Muslims or Christians to call the attention of the
president to such situation than calling upon him to come and dish out some
money in the name of ALLAH ?Is this organisation more interested in the money
of Jammeh or do they want to tell him who they are ?An organisation who
encourage  the head of a corrupt government to dish out money to them will
surely be doing a bad PR work for their organisation.

For Freedom

     After the successful over throw of the Jawara gov't on July 22 1994,
most Gambians were happy that the change they had long awaited has finally
arrived.  Jammeh, Sabally, Hydara, Touray and Singateh promised the people
of a transparent and accountable government.  A government whose intent was
to discontinue the corrupt behaviors of its predecessor. A goverment
committed to national unity and economic development.
     Exactly five years and two months after that fateful  Friday in July of
1994, the nation is not any better than it was.  In five years Jammeh has
hired and fired more officials than Jawara had in 30 years.  Families have
been victimized, their assets frozen and their properties seized. Jammeh and
his loyal subjects have tortured and killed many Gambians. For example, the
sudden and untimely deaths of Sadibou Hydara and Ousman Koro Ceesay.  Jammeh
was fully aware of the circumstances surronding the deaths of those two
gambians. The entire nation knew Edward and Peter Singateh were involved.
Jammeh however never made any remarks or taken any action . Remember he is
the very one who who said his gov't would be transparent.
     In five years, Jammeh, Touray and Singateh amassed millions of dalasis
of loans and grants contracted in the name of the Gambia only to be diverted
to personal accounts in Swiss, Turkey and other foreign banks. I could go on
and on-----
     Organizing a dinner to honor a dictator, a tyrant, a murderer, and a
heartless leader is beyond my comprehension. The organizer(s) are in short
encouraging Jammeh and his gang, the July 22 Movement and the NIA, to
continue on the gross human rights violations prevalent in the Gambia.
     With all due respect I urge the organizers to rescind the offer.


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