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Print Reply
Janko Sisang <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 00:21:31 PDT
text/plain (581 lines)
   This is a great collection. I hope the below I will give are not going to
be duplicates.

Nyonko/Nyominko (F)
Kurukemmeh (F)
Kunku (F)
Sayandeh (F)
Langsuntu (M)
Nyamoro (M)
Mojang (M)
Nakulang (M)
Bawusee (M)
Bannakeh (M)
Sutunding (M)
Ndekung (M)
Tufuu (M)

>From: Ceesay Soffie <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 16:23:04 -0400
>So are Sawalo (M), Njulu (F) Nyohorr (M), Keway (F), Jumaye (M), Kuta (F),
>Modoun/Medoun (M), Ndahteh (F), Kendaka (F), Jaara (F), Mbayang (F), Teneng
>(F), Yaaka (F), Mbissin (F), Mbachu (F).
>                 Saiks,
>                 I noticed that the name Sarang (F) is missing from the
>                 kabir.
>                 ----- Original Message -----
>                 From: saiks samateh <[log in to unmask]>
>                 To: <[log in to unmask]>
>                 Sent: 22. september 1999 20:24
>                 Subject: Re: [Re: [Re: COLLECTING TYPICAL GAMBIAN NAMES]
>                 Hi,
>                 I am now through with the names etcI am resending these
>a final
>                 correction,I dont want to take the chance so please help
>see if there are
>                 any mistakes.
>                 For freedom
>                 Saiks
>                 ¾   "        ^
>                    - - - - - -
>                 jaajef Saiks,
>                 Another list of names,  supplied by a friend of mine,
>                 for inclusion on the list, apologies for any repeats
>                 FEMALE   NAMES
>                 Allimatou
>                 Ancha
>                 Anta
>                 Aram
>                 Aret
>                 Arookee
>                 Ayi
>                 Balankang
>                 Banna
>                 Bijilo
>                 Boneh
>                 Bori  (M/F)
>                 Bunnu (F/M)
>                 Ceesayding
>                 Coumba
>                 Daggah
>                 Danjang
>                 Dawitt
>                 Daado
>                 Fama
>                 Fanta
>                 FaraFulatunk
>                 Galo
>                 Gaye
>                 Gegeh
>                 Hajarta
>                 Hamisowe
>                 Horeja
>                 Houdja
>                 Houmou
>                 Hoyaan
>                 Huja
>                 Huri
>                 Jaboh
>                 Jabou
>                 Jaherr
>                 Jajeh
>                 Jalika
>                 Jalnum
>                 Jamba
>                 Jamos
>                 Jankay
>                 Janun
>                 Jaria
>                 Jariatou
>                 Jay (M/F)
>                 Jogomai
>                 Jogoy
>                 Jojo
>                 Joko
>                 Jola
>                 Jongfoolo
>                 Jonkong
>                 Jor
>                 Jaaja
>                 Kaba (M/F)
>                 Kaddy
>                 Kafa
>                 Kanja
>                 Kanjumblaank
>                 Kassamanding
>                 Kinti Sona
>                 Kodou
>                 Kunkung
>                 Kurou
>                 Kurou
>                 Kuura
>                 Kaani
>                 Lobe
>                 Lolong / Lolo
>                 Madeghen
>                 Mai
>                 Majula
>                 Mam Mberegaye
>                 Mamandew
>                 Mambisinnine
>                 Manding (M/F)
>                 Mankita
>                 Mansata
>                 Marget
>                 Mayimba
>                 Mbasey
>                 Mbayam
>                 Mbene
>                 Mberi
>                 Mbinga
>                 Mbinkinding
>                 Mbissine
>                 Momkan
>                 Musubanding
>                 Musukoi
>                 Musukoto
>                 Musukuta
>                 Maaluta
>                 N`Bene
>                 N`Diabou
>                 N`Gat
>                 Nano
>                 Ndey
>                 Ndingbo
>                 Ndura
>                 Nenegalleh
>                 Ngilan
>                 Ngoneh
>                 Njaling
>                 Njarra
>                 Njemeh
>                 Njonkoling
>                 Nkey
>                 Nogoy
>                 Numbeh
>                 Nyakasi
>                 Nyanya
>                 Nyima
>                 Obaar
>                 Olaye
>                 Oli / Olimatta
>                 Rabbi
>                 Ruggie
>                 Sanjani
>                 Sanou
>                 Saro
>                 Satang
>                 Sigga
>                 Sirando
>                 Sirreh
>                 Soda
>                 Sonna
>                 Sora
>                 Sukai
>                 Sunkang
>                 Tamara
>                 Tano
>                 Tasatou
>                 Tida
>                 Tombong (M/F)
>                 Tuti
>                 Yadikon
>                 Yakay
>                 Yama
>                 Yandeh
>                 AND THE MALE NAMES:
>                 Abba
>                 Alkalo
>                 Allabato
>                 Almami
>                 Almamo
>                 Amata
>                 Appaye
>                 Bairo
>                 Balankang/Balangka
>                 Balla
>                 Bamara
>                 Bamba
>                 Banjuku
>                 Bechou
>                 Bolla
>                 Booya
>                 Bora
>                 Bori  (M/F)
>                 Boto
>                 Botor
>                 Buka
>                 Bulley
>                 Bunnu
>                 Buray
>                 Bye
>                 Chana
>                 Cheboh / Chebo
>                 Correa
>                 Daraman
>                 Dekory
>                 Demba/Dembo
>                 Duwa
>                 Ebin
>                 Eggeh
>                 Ekku
>                 Fabala
>                 Fafanding
>                 Fakebba
>                 Falla
>                 Fallou
>                 Fanding
>                 Fansaine
>                 Fara
>                 Faranding
>                 Farimang
>                 Filijay (M/F)
>                 Findi
>                 Foday
>                 Folongko
>                 Galo
>                 Gondoi
>                 Gorra
>                 Hadim
>                 Houn
>                 Jabel
>                 Jahu
>                 Jalang
>                 Jalima
>                 Jatta
>                 Jatto
>                 Jemussu
>                 Jerreh
>                 Jewru
>                 Jidere
>                 Jung
>                 Jungkunda
>                 Junkung
>                 Kajaly
>                 Kalilu
>                 Kanimang
>                 Kanjura
>                 Karafa (M/F)
>                 Karamba
>                 Karankallo
>                 Karanlang
>                 Karanta
>                 Karrafa
>                 Katim
>                 Kawsu
>                 Kaykoto
>                 Kayluntang
>                 Kayring
>                 Kebba
>                 Kebuteh
>                 Kekoi
>                 Kemesseng
>                 Kemeta
>                 Kemo
>                 Kemoring/Kemoba
>                 Kenbugut/Kenbugul
>                 Ketabou
>                 Kewuleng
>                 Kitim/Kitimu
>                 Koora
>                 Koro
>                 Kuto
>                 Kutobo
>                 Kutubo
>                 Laity
>                 Lalo
>                 Landing/Lang
>                 Latjor
>                 Leemu
>                 Lensa
>                 Loloh
>                 Lolong/Lolo
>                 Madehgen
>                 Madi
>                 Madikeh
>                 Majorr
>                 Malal
>                 Mamadi
>                 Mamar
>                 Mamburray
>                 Mamo
>                 Mamur
>                 Manding (M/F)
>                 Manlafy
>                 Masamba
>                 Massaneh
>                 Mawdo
>                 Mayekor
>                 Mba
>                 Mbarka
>                 Melbourey
>                 Melbourey
>                 Melbourey
>                 Moli
>                 Mom
>                 Momat
>                 Momkan
>                 Mot
>                 Maamina
>                 N`fally
>                 N`famara
>                 N`fansu
>                 N`juga
>                 Naibelle
>                 Ndongo
>                 Nduggu
>                 Ngattan
>                 Ngoja
>                 Ngor
>                 Njagga
>                 Numu
>                 Pateh
>                 Pili
>                 Rabbi
>                 Saiarr
>                 Saidou
>                 Sainey (M/F)
>                 Sait
>                 Sajo (M/F)
>                 Samaba
>                 Samba
>                 Sambou
>                 Samory
>                 Sanballa
>                 Sanjally
>                 Sanjani
>                 Sanji
>                 Sankung
>                 Sanna (M/F)
>                 Sawalo
>                 Sayer
>                 Seckka
>                 Sengan
>                 Sidia
>                 Siman
>                 Sirach
>                 Sittafa
>                 Suntu
>                 Saangone
>                 Tamba
>                 Tamsir
>                 Tano (M/F)
>                 Tombong
>                 Yanding
>                 Yelee
>                 Yeyehn
>                 yeyeh
>                 YobYugo
>                 Highly depending on you
>                 For Freedom
>                 Saiks
>                 Tony
>                 Nfansu (m)
>                 Nfally (m)
>                 Fansainey (m/f)
>                 Jalicka (f)
>                 Mususkoi (f)
>                 Masata (f)
>                 Jonkong (f)
>                 Mariatu (f)
>                 Jariatou (f)
>                 Nyima (f)
>                 Nyimanding (f)
>                 Jonsoba (f)
>                 Fatamina (f)
>                 Fatunding (f)
>                 Jankey (f)
>                 Musubanding (f)
>                 Satunding (f)
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>the Gambia-L
>                 Web interface at:
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