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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sarian Loum <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 11:19:52 -0800
TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii
Sarian Loum <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/plain (643 lines)

A lot has been said about reinstating Matarr Njie to the list.  Before any
decision is made I would urge the management team to get together and further
deliberate on issues before reinstating Matarr, after all we did have
rules/regulations in placed that was voted upon.

I have nothing against Matarr Njie but I have zero tolerance for
profanity/threats especially when it comes to insulting parents.  That is
totally unacceptable behavior and should be grounds for immediate expulsion.

We are all adults and should agree to disagree respectfully.


> X-Authentication-Warning: ebaymail1.EBay.Sun.COM: noaccess owned process doing
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> Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999 17:10:01 -0600
> From: "Katim S. Touray" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Gambia-L Subscription
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Hi folks,
> I'm writing to discuss some issues relating to Gambia-L subscription in
> general, and specifically to respond to recent postings on the list about
> Matarr Njie.
> First, given the recent increase in our numbers, I would like to give an
> overview of Gambia-L, and it's history.  Gambia-L was formally created in
> January, 1996, and hosted under by the Univ. of Washington (UW), Seattle,
> the auspices of Anthony Loum, who was then employed by that University.  The
> creation of Gambia-L at UW followed a period beginning around August 1994,
> during which I used one of my e-mail accounts for people to exchange
> information about developments in The Gambia, and issues of interest.
> As the person responsible for starting the list that preceed Gambia-L, I was
> made one of the "Owners" (the term is historical, and is of no literal
> significance) of Gambia-L, along with Anthony Loum.  We also had a number of
> "Managers" who helped in the administration of the list.  Among these were Dr.
> Amadou Janneh, Sarian Loum, Abdou Touray, Malanding Jaiteh, and Latjor Ndow.
> Please pardon me if I forgot to mention your name, and you were a manager
> earlier on.
> Shortly after the creation of Gambia-L at UW, we had our first major problem.
> One subscriber insulted Tombong Saidy (who was then at the Gambian Embassy in
> Washingon, DC) after Mr. Saidy was mentioned in another subscriber's posting
> the list.  I objected the insult, simply because it was not only indecent, but
> also because Mr. Saidy was then not subscribed to the list, and therefore
> not speak up in defense of himself.  After much discussion, I suggested that
> institute some rules to deal with such instances.  The sentiment on the list
> then was that such measures were uncalled for, and for this reason, I
> unsubscribed from Gambia-L.  I should also add that during the debate, I was
> subjected to a number of personal attacks on Gambia-L, and some of those
> attacks were not too different from what I've recently been subjected to now.
> Except that back then, the attacks were coming from the anti-President Jammeh
> camp.
> It was in August 1997 that I returned to Gambia-L, and in my first posting
> after my return to the list, I pointed out that it had grown about five-fold
> from 50 in early 1996 to 258 in August, 1997 during my absence. I was
> reinstated as one of the managers of the list to help with running it, and
> ensuring it's smooth operation.
> And things ran really smoonth, I can say, until we ran into the problem of
> personal attacks and the exchange of insults on the list.  Matarr Njie, in
> particular, was found so offensive that one of the list Managers unsubscribed
> him.  The following is an excerpt from my posting informing Gambia-L that I
> reinstated Mr. Njie to the list.
> > From: Katim S. Touray <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: Gambia-L <[log in to unmask]>
> > Subject: Matarr Njie's subscription to Gambia-L and other stuff
> > Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 8:13 PM
> >
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I'm writing to inform you that I've re-subscribed Matarr Njie to Gambia-L.
> > I noticed that Baboucarr Sillah mentioned that he was "kicked out" and I
> > wondered how come ...
> >
> > Before I go into the details of why I re-subscribed Matarr, I'd like to say
> > that I found a lot of his postings offensive, and sickening.  Indeed, I
> > once wrote him in private asking if he could restrain himself and not use
> > language like he'd been using.  There have been a number of times when I
> > really wished I could just blow away his subscription to Gambia-L.  Even
> > though doing that is technically very easy, I have not done it, and infact
> > end up re-subscribing him because of the fact that I think we need a list
> > that's run on a solid foundation of respect of justice and fair play.
> >
> > Given that we do not presently have any guidelines or ratified rules and
> > regulations that govern behavior on Gambia-L, I think it is unfair to
> > single out one person, and in hasty manner at that, and throw them out.
> > We've spent a good part of the past few days talking about the summary
> > re-shuffling of the Gambian cabinet, and I don't think we should be
> > practicing what a lot of us has been critical of.
> >
> > Matarr Njie, despite all his failings as a list member, should be accorded
> > the same fairness and justice that every one on this list deserves and
> > should get.  Until when we have completed drafting the rules of behavior on
> > the list, and have had them ratified by the generality of subscribers, we
> > have no basis for throwing people out.  In these circumstances, we have to
> > rely on our sense of decency (and yes, we loose it sometimes!), and peer,
> > and "Mboka" pressure to keep people in check.
> >
> > Along the above lines, I would like to once again appeal to us all to
> > please stop posting personal attacks on the list.  I don't really care to
> > know what you think of Hamat, or Fatou, or Malang!!  Please send all
> > PERSONAL stuff to people they are meant for.
> >
> Shortly after I sent the above posting, (a week later to be exact) I sent
> another one, informing subscribers about an iniative to draft a set of rules
> for Gambia-L. Here goes:
> ----------
> > From: Katim S. Touray <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: Gambia-L <[log in to unmask]>
> > Subject: Hang in there
> > Date: Monday, February 08, 1999 2:11 AM
> >
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > This is a second attempt at sending an e-mail about a number of issues I've
> > been wanting to touch on for a while now.  My first attempt was aborted
> > because my computer crashed after I'd spent over 15 to 20 minutes composing
> > my e-mail.  You can imagine my disgust!
> >
> > Anyway, I'd like to begin by saying a big "THANK YOU" to Abdou Touray, who
> > a few weeks ago resigned from his position as one of the Gambia-L managers.
> >  Abdou worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of Gambia-L by
> > dealing with nuts-and-bolts issues like error messages.  We were lucky to
> > have someone as able and willing as Abdou helping run Gambia-L.
> > Unfortunately, his workload no longer permits him to give his best to
> > running Gambia-L, and so we've suffered a big loss.  I wish him all the
> > best in his endeavors.
> >
> > I've also wanted to say another big "THANK YOU" to Latjor Ndow, Malanding
> > Jaiteh, Jabou Joh, and the whole GESO team for the great job of sending
> > tens of thousands of books to The Gambia.  A special thanks should also go
> > to Ebrima Sall who, to the best of my knowledge, was the person that
> > initiated the project to send books to The Gambia.  The whole project is
> > indicative of the incredible good that can be done when great minds come
> > together.
> >
> > I would also like to confess that GESO and the book project is something
> > I've had NOTHING to do with!  It might sound bizarre that I'm making a big
> > deal of not being involved in something that I just heaped tons of praise
> > on in the last paragraph.  However, it is not, because of the simple reason
> > that my failure to be involved was motivated by a desire to prove to
> > myself, if not everyone else, that I am indeed not indispensable.
> >
> > I have been alarmed by the number of people expressing their thanks to me
> > for helping setup Gambia-L, and for this reason, felt it important to avoid
> > all that getting to my head.  I thought to myself that GESO was a good
> > project to stay away from, and help me put things in perspective.  As we
> > all know, we are often too willing and eager to be heaped with praises
> > because it's good for the ego. However we should recall that it is
> > precisely because former President Jawara was lead to believe that he was
> > indispensable to the country that he's now living in exile.  We need to be
> > a little less self-assured, and feel less important!
> >
> > I would like to end by paraphrasing a well-known proverb, or more like
> > turning it on it's head.  Every silver lining has a cloud!  Recent postings
> > on Gambia-L have been a real stain on civility.  I'm not going to bother
> > blaming this or that person, but would remind all of us that it's a small
> > world, and you might just regret it later if you let your emotions carry
> > the day now.  And we all should remember that you never know what you are
> > going to be denied in the future because of the of the negative impression
> > you create in the minds of people who have nothing to judge you by, except
> > your postings.
> >
> > Having said that, I'd like to implore the rest of you to hang in there, and
> > give us a few more days to complete working on the draft rules for
> > Gambia-L. It is my opinion that the few extra days we'll wait to work on
> > the rules will pay off by providing us an opportunity to give you the best
> > set of rules possible.  We will be presenting you with a draft set of rules
> > within the week, and hopefully be in a position to vote on them by next
> > week.  In the mean time, I would like to apologize to all of you for being
> > subjected to all the insults and foul language that's been sent to the
> > list.
> >
> > I guess that's about all for now.  Have a great week, and best wishes.
> >
> > Katim
> >
> After going through a number of drafts, getting a number of suggestions, and
> doing a number of revisions, we put the Gambia-L Rules to a vote.  I asked
> Matarr Njie if he would volunteer to count and tally the votes for us, and he
> agreed.  After the votes were counted, and tallied, Mr. Njie sent me his
> report, which I summarized for Gambia-L.  Here's an excerpt from my posting on
> the issue:
> ----------
> > From: Katim S. Touray <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: Gambia-L Rules Vote Results
> > Date: Thursday, April 01, 1999 9:50 AM
> >
> >
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I'm writing to say a thing or two about the results of the recent vote on
> > Gambia-L rules.
> >
> > First, I would like to express my gratitude to Matarr Njie for taking the
> time
> > to collect and report on the votes.  I'm sure I also speaking for the rest
> > us when I express appreciation of his service in helping the process on.
> > Besides the complaint from Abdoulie Jallow about his missing vote (I'll come
> to
> > that later), and the fact that his report does not show totalled numbers, I
> > think Mr. Njie served us well.
> >
> > A number of people, especially Mr. Njie himself, have expressed concern and
> > even disdain for the results of the voting.  From the results of the voting,
> as
> > reported by Mr. Njie, are as follows:
> >
> >       Yes     - 22
> >       No      -  2
> >       Abstain  - 1
> >       ===============
> >       Total     25
> >       ===============
> >
> > Given that Gambia-L presently has about 700 subscribers, it is pitiful that
> > only 25 people bothered to vote on proposed rules for running the list.  Be
> > that as it may, I don't think it should be grounds for despair or calling
> into
> > question the motivation of management of the list.  The 25 people who voted
> are
> > those who thought it worth their while to have their opinions heard.  For
> this
> > reason, they are the people whose opinions should and MUST matter.  The
> > 675 and some other subscribers to the list have just forfeited their rights
> to
> > be heard, and so must go with the consensus of the majority of those who
> > bothered to vote.
> >
> > I will be writing to the list managers to formally adopt the results of the
> > vote-taking, and seek a date from them when the rules will come into effect.
> > Speaking of the rules coming into effect, I would like to remind us all, as
> > Malanding Jaiteh has pointed out in a previous posting, Gambia-L is a
> voluntary
> > service, and so neither the University of Washington, nor any of us
> volunteers
> > has any obligation to subscriber.  We are not doing what we do because of a
> > need to satisfy this or that person.  Rather, we do what we do to the best
> > our abilities because it is, in our judgements, what's best that should be
> > done.  If anyone has any problems with that, he or she can go somewhere
> >
> > For your information, Gambia-L is, of all the lists I am subscribed to, and
> in
> > the about 8 years I have been on the Internet and on mailing lists, the ONLY
> > list I know of that has bothered to institute a democratic process for
> handling
> > list management issues.  Please let us know if you know of ANY other list
> > there that does it our way.
> >
> > About Mr. Jallow's vote, I suggest that we give Mr. Njie the benefit of the
> > doubt.  A lot can go wrong when you send an e-mail.  It is a little known
> fact
> > that it is indeed a miracle that e-mail gets delivered at all.  Given that
> > every e-mail you send is broken up, and different fragments sent using
> possibly
> > different routes, and re-assembled when they reach their destination, it is
> > obvious that errors can and do happen.  For this reason, I would urge Mr.
> > Jallow to send in his vote to the list, to be officially included in the
> tally
> > of votes.  And please let's leave it at that.
> >
> > I also found it uncalled-for when a subscriber (I can't recall exactly who
> > was) asked Matarr Njie why he voted "No."  I don't think Mr. Njie, or
> > else for that matter, has to explain to anyone why they voted the way they
> did.
> >  Especially on a public forum.  I think it's alright if the mail was sent in
> > private, but it certainly is not done, in my mind, to want anyone to justify
> > their votes.
> >
> > And I guess that's about all.  Thanks a lot to all of you who voted on the
> > rules, to Matarr Njie for collecting them, and to all volunteers that worked
> on
> > drafting the rules: Ndey Jobarteh, Baboucarr Sillah, Lajor Ndow, Dr. Amadou
> > Janneh, Dr. Malanding Jaiteh, Tony Loum, Sarian Loum, and Momodou Camara.
> > Obviously, my list is not in any particular order, but I think I'll be
> > forgiven!  Have a great weekend, and best wishes.
> >
> > Katim
> >
> Shortly after the votes were reported on Gambia-L, Mr. Njie escalated his
> attacks on the management of Gambia-L in general, and in particular, myself.
> In the end, he resorted to his now familiar practice of setting up a free
> e-mail account under a false name, subscribe to Gambia-L, and begin to haul
> insults to people under his new name.  The classic example of such a practice
> is Burama Manjang, who, it turned out was most likely Mr. Njie based on the
> fact that the IP number (the unique identifying number for computers connected
> to the Internet) of postings from Matarr Njie and Burama Manjang were all the
> same.  When I pointed this out to the list, Mr. Njie escalated his attacks on
> me, and in the end, I personally unsubscribed him from the list, just as I
> personally re-subscribed him to the list earlier on.
> But our problems with Mr. Njie were not going to end there.  As I mentioned
> earlier, Gambia-L was hosted by UW under the sponsorship of Anthony Loum.  The
> dissatisfaction of Mr. Njie and others, who perceived Gambia-L as
> anti-President Jammeh prompted them to start threatening us with a campaign to
> make sure that UW stopped hosting Gambia-L.  It became so bad that I was asked
> in private by Mr. Loum if I would help find another host for Gambia-L.
> Luckily, I had helped establish, and was managing the African Association of
> Madison list which was hosted at St. John's Univ. in New York, NY.  I
> them to explain our needs, and they agreed to host Gambia-L.
> We finally moved to the St. John's server in May of this year, without any
> major problems.  So far, we've had no serious and/or chronic problems there,
> and from all indications, Gambia-L continues to prove a great resource to
> people all over the world.  However, we've had to deal with the recurring
> of whether or not Gambia-L is an anti-President Jammeh foroum.  It was
> precisely this problem, and other issues that were raised on the list that
> prompted me to write an Open letter to His Excellency President Yahya A. J. J.
> Jammeh, asking him to help make Gambia-L, and the Internet be more beneficial
> to The Gambia.
> My Open letter to the President was posted on the list on Nov. 18, after I
> faxed it to the State House, and copied it to a number of Gambian papers.  The
> Independent newspaper infact published it, and made it available on their
> Website.  I should also mention that my Open letter came after Dr. Abdoulaye
> Saine's call for self-healing and reconciliation, not only on the list, but at
> a national level. It is for this reason that it has been a pleasure to hear
> different perspectives and opinions on the issues raised in both my Open
> letter, and Dr. Saine's posting.
> One of the responses to my Open letter came from one Dawda Jobe, who claimed:
> ----------
> > From: Dawda Jobe <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: Response to Katim Touray
> > Date: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 4:36 AM
> >
> > Gambia-Lers:
> >
> > In the name of freedom of expression and democracy, I forward this letter
> > from Mr Matarr Njie FYI only. Please do not curse me, I am just a messenger
> > forwarding something, that some of the managers may not want hear or read.If
> > this is so, my APPOLOGIES
> >
> > Dawda.
> I thought the above was a genuine, and from a bonafide subscriber to Gambia-L.
> Accordingly, I responded to it (check out the Gambia-L archives), and left it
> at that.  I was later informed by people who looked more closely at the email
> from Dawda Jobe that, again, the IP number of the e-mail came from the same
> as used by Matarr Njie.  Again, it seemed that Matarr had resorted to his by
> now familiar tactic of assuming different names to get his point across.
> The offshoot of the above letter from Dawda Jobe has been a call from some
> Gambia-L subscribers to reinstate Mr. Njie to Gambia-L, especially in light of
> the current calls for reconciliation.  The debate on the issue of Mr. Njie's
> subscription to Gambia-L has been going on for a while, and I thought it
> important to let as many people as is possible air their feelings on the
> before I send in my opinion.  If anything, those who have taken the time,
> trouble, and yes, the risk to send in their opinions on the issue deserve a
> considered response from me.  Furthermore, the added benefit of waiting is
> many postings have said a lot of what I had in mind, and so all that remains
> for me to put my opinion on the record, and agree or disagree with various
> postings on the matter.
> Let me cofirm that Matarr Njie has continued to send personal insults to me,
> and to almost anybody who dares criticize the Jammeh government on Gambia-L.
> suspect that because I was the one who removed him from Gambia-L, I have a
> target of his vicious and hateful campaign of insults hurled at me and my
> parents.  Furthermore, he also makes sure that he sends me copies insults he
> sends to other people, and frequently, all these insulting e-mail messages,
> always has a paragraph or sentence directed toward me and/or my parents.  In
> the last 24 hours alone, I have received 3 (three) copies of e-mail messages
> sent to O. B. Silla, and Dr. Saine.  These bring the total e-mail messages I
> have received about and from Matarr Njie to 109 (one hundred and nine) since
> May.
> Besides the insults, Mr. Njie has also worked on getting St. John's Univ. to
> stop hosting Gambia-L.  The following are copies of just some of the e-mail I
> received from him on his efforts:
> ----------
> > From: matarr njai <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: New gambia-l home!!!
> > Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 1:50 AM
> >
> >
> > Katim Touray,
> >
> > Moving the host to another site is not a solution ! I will be warning St.
> > John's University about the purpose and danger of this discussion group, and
> > more importantly, the subversive nature of their actions. They will also be
> > warned about the  possibility of them facing legal action for hosting such
> > an anti-government propaganda tool. This is more serious, because since they
> > are a catholic univesity and subscribe to the ideals of Jesus Christ, they
> > should be aware of the religious consequences of their actions. So don't
> > worry, the game ain't over yet!
> >
> > Matarr.
> >
> >
> ----------
> > From: matarr njai <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Cc: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: New Host
> > Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 10:35 PM
> >
> > Katim Touray,
> >
> > Following my promise to you to inform St John' University of the subversive
> > nature of your discussion group, I have been able to initially detect some
> > element of lying on your part. I am still investigating however, with the
> > help of a friend in the US.
> > My initial finding is that you are still using the University of Washington
> > resources, that REBEKAH is fake, etc. I will keep you posted with regards to
> > any progress that I make on this matter. As I promised, neither the
> > University of Washington nor St John's University should allow their
> > facilities to be used for subversive and anti-government activities, and
> > this I have made clear to the relevant authorities in both institutions.
> > Again, I will keep you posted.
> >
> > Matarr
> >
> ----------
> > From: matar njai <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Cc: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: Feedback-Webmaster (technical issues)-
> > Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 12:57 AM
> >
> > Katim,
> >
> > The following note is for you to know that I am working very hard on my
> research.
> > Matarr.
> >
> > >From: "Ana Lopes" <[log in to unmask]>
> > >To: "matarr njie" <[log in to unmask]>
> > >Subject: Re: Feedback<Webmaster (technical issues)>
> > >Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 08:59:25 -0400
> > >
> > >Barnes & Noble College manages the bookstore at St. John's University.  If
> you
> > >have any questions regarding practices of the university or on university
> > >grounds, you will have to direct your inquiry to the university directly.
> > >
> > >Thanks for your inquiry.
> > >
> The above are just 3 (three) e-mail messages that indicate the extent to which
> Matarr will go to have Gambia-L destroyed.  What he fails to realize, however,
> is that he has no means to realizing his objective, and for this reason, all
> his efforts will result in failure.  Even then, I wonder why after spending
> such effort, and going to such lengths, would he still be interested in
> benefiting from Gambia-L by using it to share his ideas and opinions with
> people.  For me, that he has consistently tried to destroy Gambia-L should be
> grounds for his exclusion from the list, until at such a time that he repents,
> and promises not to engage in such activity in the future.
> I should also say that I take offense at the suggestion from Yahya Drame:
> ----------
> > From: yeks drame <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: Lift the ban on Matarr!
> > Date: Friday, December 03, 1999 5:17 AM
> >
> > level of missunderstanding among us. We know that "no man is an
> > Island",Mattar needs us as we needs him, he cannot stand alone,  and he had
> > demonstrated a level of interest to be part of the discussion which was
> > revealed by his recent posting.He is therefore most deffinately with the aim
> >
> > Peace!!
> > Yahya.
> >
> What I find particularly offensive in the posting above is the claim that "...
> Matarr needs us as we needs (sic) him ..."  The fact of the matter is that we
> do not NEED Mr. Njie, or me, or Mr. Drame, or anyone else for that matter.
> It's precisely for this kind of flawed reasoning that people told former
> President Jawara, and he believed, that The Gambia NEEDED him.  History, of
> course, proved all of them wrong.  Infact, I find the above claim so insulting
> to our collective intelligence that would like to ask Mr. Drame to apologize
> us.
> As I indicated earlier, Matarr Njies insults have continued to rain on me
> last May.  The question that's being asked now is, should Mr. Njie be allowed
> to resubscribe to Gambia-L?  After reading the numerous postings on the
> here's what I think.
> 1.  While it sounds reasonable to press a case for Mr. Njie's reinstatement
> along the lines of present calls for reconciliation, the issues should not be
> confused.  What's going on between Mr. Njie and me, and other unfortunate
> members of Gambia-L is a strictly personal issue, and has no bearing
> on the issue of human rights and political freedom in The Gambia.  Mr. Njie,
> the last time I checked, cannot throw me in jail, neither can I, or any other
> Gmabia-L subscriber he has insulted throw him in jail.  The call for national
> reconciliation is aimed at cleaning a much-poisoned political atmosphere that
> we live in.  What's at stake is, in my mind, is our nation's destiny, not
> whether or not this or that person is subscribed to Gambia-L.  For this
> we should never make anyone's subscription to Gambia-L a precondition to the
> continuation of national reconcilation efforts.  This would not only be
> foolish, it would be tragic.
> 2.  I am willing to consider reinstating Matarr Njie's subscription to
> Gambia-L.  This does not mean that I am willing to forgive him for the insults
> he has been sending me, and other Gambia-L subscribers.  What it means is that
> I am prepared to turn a new page, and let all thats gone before go.  However,
> there are a number of conditions that must be satisfied if Mr. Njie is to
> return to Gambia-L.  These are:
> a) He must promise, in a posting to Gambia-L that:
>           i) he will, with immediate effect, cease and desist from any and all
> attempts to slander Gambi-L, it's managers, and subscribers by spreading
> unfounded allegations
>          ii) he will, with immediate effect, cease his attempts at having
> hosted by St. John's university if indeed his efforts in the past continue to
> this day
>         iii) he will stop sending insults to Gambia-L subscribers either on
the list,
> or in private in response to their postings on the list
> b) He will send a posting to Gambia-L apologizing to and mentioning by name,
> all Gambia-L subscribers he sent insults to in response to their postings on
> Gambia-L.  In this regard, who have been insulted by Mr. Njie should send him
> an e-mail message no later than a week from Wedns, Dec. 8, 1999 for them to be
> included in Mr. Njie's apology.
> c) He agrees that for up to 1 month after he is resubscribed to Gambia-L, his
> postings will have to be approved for distribution to the list one of the list
> managers.
> d) He sends his apology to the list no later than Sunday, Dec. 12, 1999, or
> this offer is null and void.
> e) No Gambia-L managers is under no obligation to explain his or her failure
> refuse to approve Mr. Njie's posting for distributionthe.  In the same vein,
> any Gambia-L manager can approve the distribution of Mr. Njie's posting,
> without the concurrence of other managers.
> f) An infringement of, or failure to comply with any or all of the above
> conditions shall be grounds for immediate cancellation of his subscription.
> Also, such cancellation will be non-revocable, and non-negotiable, until at
> such a time as Gambia-L managers deem fit.
> The above conditions, folks, are aimed at giving Mr. Njie a fresh start, after
> making efforts to reconcile with people he has insulted in the past.  The are
> also aimed at providing a speedy and convenient implementation of his
> reinstatement program.
> As you can imagine, I've already spent a long time on this issue, and frankly,
> this will be my last posting on the matter.  The offer above is a take-it or
> leave-it deal, and whatever happens, I strongly suggest we move on.
> Before I end this e-mail, I would like to remind everyone that Gambia-L is not
> a conscription list.  Nobody is neither drugged nor dragged into subscribing
> the list.  You either like what you see on the list, and stay, or you don't
> like it and leave.  Furthermore, I would like to remind you that there are
> sites on the Internet where one can start their own mailing list.  Please try
> those if you are not satisfied with Gambia-L and do not see your interests
> catered to by the list.
> And about the claim that most postings on Gambia-L are anti-Jammeh, I would
> like to reiterate what I said in my Open letter to the President.  It is
> unfortunate that very few of President Jammeh's supporters, and spokespersons
> are willing to step forward and debate the issues and concerns raised by those
> who are critical of him.  The way I see it, if it was bad enough that no one
> would put their lives on the line to ensure that former President Jawara
> remained in power, it is even more sorry that very few people would come
> forward to SPEAK for President Jammeh.  Afterall, there are a number of his
> representatives and officials subscribed to this list, and I wonder whether
> their silence is indicative of their lack of conviction in what they are
> or outright incompetence.
> I guess that's about all.  Please pardon the VERY long posting, but like I
> earlier, this is it for me when it comes to the issue of Matarr Njie.  Have a
> great week, and best wishes in your endeavors.
> Katim
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Web interface at:
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