Alright everyone, promise me that you'll finish reading what am trying to say here. It's important. Okay, my understanding is that almost everyone
on this List seem to be an advocate for freedom, yet we've been faced with
this rather disturbing dilemma suggesting that religious postings should
NOT be posted on the Gambia-L, Islamic postings to be specific. Why
Islamic postings specifically?The answer is very obvious since most of the
postings if not all are Islamic postings, and above anything our DEAR
friends at St. John's are Catholics. So bingo!. You're now a rocket -
scientist, catch-22 you with me?

Now here comes the List messenger, excuse me, I  mean the List manager
Katim..what's his last name? Right! Touray. Anyway he goes without clear
thinking which any capable manager must do at all times and say" listen up
boys and girls, NO MORE ISLAMIC POSTINGS ON THE GAMBIA-L. You've been
briefed and I have no further comments". Well geez! Thank you very much Mr
Touray, now you got all of us going NUTS up in here!. Some of us wind up
buying a new keyboard just because it wouldn't type fast enough for
everything we have to say. Some of us forgot the entire issue at hand here
and start taking it up on one another. I don't want to mention any names

So now what? I guess after 2 tea spoons of  "liquidified" PARACETAMOL you
have decided to come to your senses and just realised that you've SCREWED
UP big time and want to mesmerize some of us with Slap-nut diplomacy.
Yeah, I know, by now you must be thinking wow! this guy really hates my
guts. Well, sorry to put it to you like this but I think you've chickened -
out and all am doing is trying to let you see and accept responsibility.
Fact is, I love every single Gambian out there and if you consider
yourself a Gambian then you know where that puts you.

See Katim, I asked this question on the List and I will ask it again. When
are we going to stop shooting the ball and start owning the court? Ha!?
This is an unequivocal consequence to those who are still rootedly
enslaved by the Master who in this case happens to be St. John's Catholic
University. I believe I got the name right. Anyway, my point is they got
got us by the balls!. And by that, if you still not with me, I mean If we
don't comply by their RELIGIOUS POLICIES we're going to get wagged out of their SERVER. So for fear of retribution, you've figured out what you'd
assumed the easy way and that is, hey, am just going to tell these kids
not to send these postings..hehehe!. Mr Stougie!.I used the word "kids"
because we felt being treated as kids by that tone dictated tyrannically
in your opening statement. On, Mr Katim please understand I hold grudges
you just doing what the master tells us. That's right we've heard those
excuses 400 years ago. We comprende si seniore Touray!

To sum up, Mr Touree, there are alternatives, maybe not for you i.e if you
still stuck up with St. John's, but there're several Servers to host and
do a much better administrative job than the current Gambia-L. Believe me
I know and in case you don't know, I've been a member of this Mailling
List almost from it's inception. And I must say that all the loyal members who put up with all the BS throughout these years deserve better . Many
have come and go and some you just can't blame. We've all witnessed much
much much worst scenerios that St. John should have intervened but no one
heard a thing until someone started sending Religious postings many of
which were very appreciated especially those who spend hours at work and
maybe could not grap the Al-Qu'ran but had access to a PC and be
enlightened by such postings. Now we have the FEDS poking at us.  Maybe
St. John's are the FEDS here hoping to find bomb-making instructions
within those Islamic scriptures posted. Who knows what these wackos are
thinking? I know one thing and one thing only, " I smell a Rat, A BIG
FREAKING RAT! And it's creepy one ladies and gentlemen. I kid you not.

I must conclude suggesting that has an excellent
Mailling List to do exactly if not better than the Gambia-L. Best yet,It
is Gambian owned, Gambian operated and designed with the Gambian People In
Mind. This may I add is our slogan. Not owned by some creepy Catholic
School who are preying on converts more than anything else. is a Website and is here when you need it people. We
are not forcing anyone to leave Gambia-L but all am suggesting is that you
should NEVER ever ever put your all eggs in one basket. It's in the manual
Rules of Engagement, chapter -1: New Millenium Page yr2000, hello!!
See when you fall into this trap , you become tamed,encapsuled in a
succulent venom, possessed by Anacondas. It's called an entrapment.  And
that am afraid is a word to the wise. Go to and
join our mailling list today. I Thank you all kindly and remember to
always question the knowledge. Take control of your life or else someone
will. Cheers!

                                                                                                                           IT WAS WRITTEN,
                                                                                                                           My name is George Sarr
                                                                                                                           aka Mr. Makaveli., the don

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