Truth embedding cynicism is not pallatable truth.

Time! you are welcome to try truth.

Is patriotism a cake?

Yes, a cake to be shared.


I saw a tank rolling on dead bodies...sssssst...its shocking.

That scenario made my mind shrink.

Where   was  truth?

Hamadi  the gladiator!

Time tries truth but not vigour and bitter words.


Write but don't bite.

'M'barastékou'! Is the surface slippery?

One wise mind said:"when bitter words threaten to overpower sweet ones let silence guide...."

There are messages within and thought is the passage through which some do flow.

Individualism is a disease and totalitarianism is an epidemy!

The slate of dialogue is empty...or?....Is it hidden?



Please don't refuse to open my parcel.It is full of  sincere smiles.

Hello...hmmmm.....mr.future your methods are yet to be known.


Philosophy says;thought smeared with desire is not pure thought.

Biram pateh and Penda Gandal  are yours pure?

Society o! society... hmmmm...

                                              Essa Bokarr Sey

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