Hi Prince,

     May I first of all expressed my deepest sympathy and sorrow to the
     families of the deceased for the untimely dead of their heros and
     loved ones, in an unforeseen circumstances, APRIL 10,2000.

     Prince, this is another case where the blame is not squarely on the
     people who pulled the triger on innocent lives but onto those who gave
     the orders for a triger to be pulled.

     Prince, you see, in any criminal offence among individuals, there must
     be an element of conspiracy first, to commit the said act. To conspire
     in simple terms, means an agreement between two or more individuals
     who plan in order to execute their ill intentions. If a soldier is
     trained only to obey commands and to kill but not to be killed, and
     subsequently, the soldier is giving command to kill as part of his
     job. Who is to blame in this instance, if he is giving the command to
     kill and he killed? The one who gave the commands and the one who
     executed the command are both answerable.

     I think, the army should only be trained to kill but should also be
     trained to undertake other skills like engineers, constructors and
     other skills, whereby the soldiers weapon would not only be restricted
     to the gun but on other avenues that distract one from this monster

     The teacher who took Ebrima Barry to the Fire service is responsible
     for whatever transpired at the fire station to Ebrima, as well as the
     fire men who listened to Ebrima's teacher in torturing him.

     If Ebrima was not taken to the fire station by the teacher, all these
     violence we are now witnessing, would not have happened. Think about

     Haruna Farage

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: The Butchers of Banjul.
Author:  The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
<[log in to unmask]> at Internet
Date:    4/10/00 11:37 PM


This piece was being written when the butchering  of these young and innocent st
udents was emerging on the List.

Please read Yus's posting properly. He neither used the word "exonerated" nor im
plied to it for once. What Yus is saying is that the emphasis of blame should
bemore on those who murdered Ebrima Barry than the teacher. There is no legal
 system that I know of, where the teacher could be held solely accountable for
the de ath of Barry. You said the teacher is "culpable" Yes, that maybe true,
but culpa bility is not always premeditation. It is a common thing for one to be
"culpable " of something that he is innocent of. The news of the massacre of
these poor iswhat Yusupha Jow is talking about. Are we now going to blame what
 led to the demonstration or people who pulled the trigger?

