    This is from the Point. In the event that the students are charged, can we co-ordinate our efforts to avoid duplications?

GNCDD To Provide Defence Fund For Students If Charged

According to the publicity secretary of the Gambia National Council for Democracy and Development in North America(GCDD), Mr. Kebba Touray,the organisation is considering establishing will to help detained students if they are charged. "We hope that reason and good jugement on the part of government will prevail, and that we will not see students being paraded in front of magistrates and judges for expressing their right to free speech and assembly, Council President Ebrihima Jagne said.

The spokesman stated that they are expressing concern about the events that led to the killings of many innocents chidren following last Monday's demonstration. He added that they are ready to provide all needed assistance to ensure that any stduent charged is given a proper defence and will contact the leadership of the Bar Association to discuss the issue with them..

He told The Point that the President and and its Secretary General Mai Fatty yesterday met the European ambassadors at the UN. "We have also set a letter to the State Department to seek for an audience", the spokesman said. Asked about the purpose of such a metting, he said to ensure that the US government calls for a thorough investigation of the matter, condemns the killings as a human rights violation and demands the release of detained students.