Well put Karamba. At times I wonder, from where people like Sedat Jobe and
Saja Taal got their doctorate degrees (with their twisted logic). These are
shameless characters that have mortgaged their souls to the devil. These are
people who spent the best part of their adult lives living in relative
freedom outside The Gambia. I wonder why they do not want for their people
the good things they have experienced in other parts of the world. Brings me
back to my conclusion that these people hate the Gambians. Imagine Saja Taal
going to the Gambian papers denouncing Commonwealth authorities for wanting
to monitor elections in The Gambia. To buttress his point, he rhetorically
asked them why they were not monitoring elections in places like Canada and
why the Aborigines were not treated well by the Australians. Reading his
arguments just reminded me of Yaya and his childish mumbo jumbo when he
first took over and was shouting out insults at the western world. Taal was
using the same silly rhetoric. At least one can say that Yaya did not know
better. Apart from a six months stint at some military base in the U.S.,
Yaya had hardly traveled outside The Gambia. By now all of us know that Yaya
did not even have a complete high school education. So if he behaves like a
novice in front of the public, people like us that know him will understand
that he is just a lightweight. What is baffling, is when people that should
know better come out and take such ridiculous postures. These people ought
to be ashamed to be 'yes men' of a fool like Yaya. In my book, they are even
worse that Yaya. What point was Saja Taal trying to prove? That our
elections should not be monitored because elections in Canada are not
monitored by the Commonwealth? What nonsense is that? Did he ask himself
whether opposition parties in Canada were complaining about the incumbent
government rigging elections? Did he ask himself whether the Canadian secret
service go to villagers to harass opposition party supporters? Also, if the
Australians maltreat the Aborigines or the British maltreat the Irish, does
that mean that the Commonwealth cannot call upon Gambian authorities to stop
maltreating (killing, torturing, etc.) its citizens? In the first place, the
government should not maltreat anyone. Like the wollof saying goes: BORKU
MASI MOR GAYN DU MAN REC. Taal et al should be preoccupied with stopping the
lawlessness and intellectual prostitution going on in The Gambia; rather
than monitoring double standards practiced in other parts of the world.
Emulate the good things in those countries and disregard the bad aspects.
Yaya's stupidity must have a contagious effect. Karamba, you are right to
point out that the ridiculous and dangerous postures of these bandits have
nothing to do with the Gambian people. We have no quarrel with the
Senegalese government or the fighters in Casamance or with Guinea Bissau for
that matter. By the same token, we have no vested interest in the outcome of
this conflict. If the government of the day cannot broker peace, they should
stay neutral in this thing. A government that boast of allies like Gaddafi,
Charles Taylor, Foday Sankoh, etc. is not a government that has the interest
of the Gambians as its number one priority. These people are interested in
nothing but perpetuating themselves in power. But we want to tell them that
their days are numbered and WE WILL GET RID OF THEM BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY
before they put us at war with our neighbors, families and friends.
Ps: great job with the ALD/DC preparations. You guys are doing a marvelous
job. We wish you success.

>From: [log in to unmask]
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: The Unravelling Cassamance Diplomacy
>Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 19:58:51 EDT
>Finally lingering suspicions that has long hobbled progress in the quest
>peace in Cassamance have dramatically surfaced. It all began when President
>Wade made a one hour airport visit to Banjul to in essence announce that he
>was cutting Gambia off the mediation role and he would henceforth deal
>directly with the rebels and Guinea Bissau. At the time I thought this
>in approach was primarily due to the fact that President Wade recognized
>Yahya Jammeh and his team  as lacking in the requisite stature or
>savvy needed to successfully mediate a resolution. More ominous, it turns
>the Senegalese view Jammeh as being part of the problem. A public
>by President Wade that Gambian and Guinea Bissau officials were regularly
>traveling to Libya to secure arms; a move he construes to be a mortal
>to Senegal has added a worrying component to a very volatile situation. Not
>only has Yahya Jammeh  not manage to end a fratricidal war right on our
>doorstep, but through diplomatic chicanery, selfishness and indolence, he
>poisoned our relationship with a neighbor we can't afford to
>antagonise.Senegal has every right to be wary of the machinations of Momarr
>Ghadaffi whose specialty it is to wreak havoc in the continent by using
>brutal tyrants like Yahya Jammeh to incite murder and mayhem. The twin
>tragedies of Liberia and Seirra Leone are the handiwork of Ghaddafi who
>trained and armed the architects of both genocides. Now that he has
>apparently cuddled Yahya Jammeh  plus whoever is in charge in Bissau,  I
>think President Wade is justified in pursing avenues that would enhance the
>overall security of his nation. Afterall he would be remiss if he does not
>adequately anticipate the kinds of schemes that is often hatched by the
>of Yahya Jammeh, Foday Sankoh and the like.
>       The defensive and flimsy rhetoric uttered by Sedat Jobe this morning
>response  to President Wade's serious allegations only served to underscore
>the potential danger this crowd represent. I hope our brave private media
>would do their best to state that the Gambian people totally reject the
>quixotic and ultimately dangerous foreign policy being pursued by this
>government. This is an illegitimate government composed of murderers,
>criminals and reactionaries who are not only intent on ruining our country,
>but ultimately pose a hindrance to the overall stability and progress in
>       Yahya and his cohorts have converted their socalled mediation role
>a goodwill seeking medallion eagerly and shamelessly waving it to any forum
>or individual they encounter in a bid to score whatever swipe of
>that comes with peacemaking. Now that they have been publicly branded as
>being part of the problem, the government quickly announced they were
>withdrawing from their role as mediator. I say good riddance! Peacemaking
>never your kind of thing. The Jammeh government has finally gotten it's
>proper appraisal: A Libyan supported terrorist state.
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