Mr. Sey,
    I have been thinking about sending you a private mail to ask you
consider what you spend your free time on (oops, not your personal life) as
an ambassador or your taste of cyber discussion. It is truly below the
calibre of the office you hold to be engaged in such. I think so much of
this time should have been utilized to do a much more for The Gambia.

Yes, you might respond that this is your spare time but it could be spent
more importantly. I have never held such a position but I definitely do know
that it is not an easy task. Your office can do much better for our nation
and we expect you with your contacts and influence to see how The Gambia can
better benefit from your pen, keyboard and telephone.

I hate to say it but I cannot agree more with Prince and others that your
topics of discussion on this forum are immature considering the level of
your office. I may suggest if you do not mind, to consider one of the
following topics:
      - How can we as Gambians sincerely unite for a better nation?
      - What would you like to see my office do?
      - What have my office done that you think should have been
        done differently?
      The list can go on and on and I am positive that once the taste is
changed, you will notice how democratic this forum is. The people you think
hate you, DO NOT and you might see some of them on your side. If I am right,
I have read a mail a week or so ago from Saul Khan or Jabou saying they
don't see eye to eye on most issues but they have come to agree on one.  It
is just the differences in opinions that are sometimes expressed with the
wrong language triggering what is summed as hatred.

Infact, we may not even have to completely swift from these topics. Some of
them happen to be very interesting and educational.  Ebou Colley's
subscriptions are one of them and I do think both sides can bring more into
the subject with constructive discussions rather than personal attacks.

Finally, I do not intend to start or initiate another route of attacks or
exchange of unnecessary mails but just a word to filter the contents of our
postings and/or change of topic. Remember we are here to see how we can take
The Gambia forward by uniting as one NATION and not be eager to face each
other at "TAATI PERREH".

Ebou Secka

>From: Essa Sey <[log in to unmask]>

>On the whole my articles are being used by assylum-seekers! i thought i was
>arguing with determined opponents only to discover this very evening that
>some  are eager to be hurriedly printing my stuff for a sellfish
>purpose....This of course excludes people like Ousman Bojang i know that
>he's got his status and he is opposing  but not searching for a UN refugee
>or American passport.
>I am sorry for myself for having discovered this game lately! However, as
>some of you said to me "every dog has its day" so your days are beginning
>to experience the dark tunnel.Henceforth you can say whatever you want but
>never ever will i discuss with assylum seekers.      Please do not go to
>the voice out when you want to insult some of us just stay Why voice out?
>Are you not convinced of what you are doing?
>I am completely discouraged by the way some people can sell their
>dignity,sovereignty,love for one's country only to seek for papers oh
>no..However, i thank you the one who called from connecticut for the
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