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From: "Zerzghi, Amanuel (Amanuel)" <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: Eritrean Americans call for faithful implementation of peace
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From: "Zerzghi, Amanuel (Amanuel)" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Zerzghi, Amanuel (Amanuel)" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:  Eritrean Americans call for faithful implementation of peace
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:12:18 -0500
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> The Eritrean American Action Network for Peace
>                 600 L Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001; [log in to unmask];
> www.EANP.org
> For Immediate Release
>                          December 11, 2000
>      Eritrean Americans call for faithful implementation of peace accord
>    International community must keep holding the Ethiopian regime's feet
> to
> the fire
>     Eritrea and Ethiopia are expected to sign a peace accord Tuesday,
> December 12, 2000, in Algiers, Algeria, at a ceremony that will draw many
> international luminaries, including U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine
> Albright and U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, formally agreeing to end
> the
> two year senseless war by delineating and demarcating the border that
> sparked
> the conflict.
>     However, judging by the latest vitriolic rhetoric of the prime
> minister
> of the minority government of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi, it seems it is going
> to
> take a strong political will by the international community--and a miracle
> to
> boot--to translate this peace accord into reality.  Just a few days before
> traveling to Algiers to sign the accord, the prime minister went on
> Ethiopian
> television and tried to inject poison into the peace process by unleashing
> a
> torrent of anti-Eritrean diatribe and ruling out normalization of
> relations
> with Eritrea. This does not bode well for peace in the region. The
> language
> he used in his latest tirade also sounded eerily similar to previous
> addresses he made in which he spoke about peace to the international
> audience, but about war to his domestic audience in the same speech.  For
> example, on June 4, 1998, he went on television to accept the U.S.-Rwanda
> peace plan, and in the same breath he ordered his army to remain vigilant
> and
> then bombed Asmara, the Eritrean capital, the next day.
>     In response to the Ethiopian leader's latest diatribe, the Eritrean
> foreign minister called on all Eritreans to be vigilant about the
> duplicitious motives of the domestically-riven Tigrayan ruling clique,
> which
> has shown it can switch from the road to peace to a war path in the
> twinkling
> of an eye.  According to a BBC report, the minister, Mr. Ali Sayyid
> Abdallah,
> has urged the Eritrean people "to avoid complacency and to be vigilant for
> any 'ifs' which may arise as the Weyane was not a trustworthy regime and
> had
> been working to frustrate agreements it signed before the ink was dry."
>     That is why the Eritrean American Network for Peace (EANP), a
> Washington,
> D.C. based non-governmental organization, has called upon the
> international
> community, especially the United States, the United Nations, the
> Organization
> of African Unity, the European Union, and the Arab League, to hold the
> double-talking Ethiopian regime's feet to the fire if this long-awaited
> peace
> accord is to be faithfully implemented. EANP has urged the immediate
> implementation of those components of the agreement that can be
> implemented
> soon after the signing ceremony on Tuesday, including the exchange of
> prisoners of war and "all other persons detained as a result of the armed
> conflict."
