(Friday, January 19, 2001) 


The Imams and Khateebs of the Two Holy Mosques called on Muslims to be pious and to obey God Almighty, protect Islam from abuse and venerate religious scholars.

The Imam and Khateeb of the Grand Mosque in Makkah Sheikh Saud Al-Shereim, in his Friday Sermon (January 19, 2001) this week, advised Muslims to defend Islam against those who try to tamper with its principles, and suggested that the world be consolidated into one block by advocating the true Divine faith as sent down by the one God.

He said the luminous prophetic light guides one on to God's true path, and deriving inspiration in dependent on the Muslims' adherence to the way of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and staying away from anything that diverts one from his guidance.  The more a Muslim adheres to the message of the Prophet (peace be upon him) the more luminescent his life becomes.  And the more one diverts from and abandons it to seek another light, the darker and miserable his life becomes, he said, adding that there is no light except the one granted by God.

Sheikh Shereim stated that the enemies are relentless to render Islam ineffective, and their clandestine efforts continue to create and maintain a disfigured image of the religion by which the naïve and simple minded of the believers would be misguided into forbidden the lawful and legalizing the unlawful, and by that try to disrupt what God has decreed to reign.

Referring to methods enemies of Islam use to challenge the unquestionable Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him), he warned against assailing the prophet's Sunnah (tradition) and doubting its veracity, and said those who are not conversant with the Sharia'h sciences should not go into specialized subjects they are not competent enough to deal with. 


In Madina, the Imam and Khateeb at the Prophet's Mosque Sheikh Abdul Barie Bin Awad Al-Thebeiti urged the Muslims to venerate religious scholars whom Islam has honored and exalted "for they are the heirs of prophets, following in their footsteps and spreading knowledge."

Elaborating further on the high status of religious scholars in Islam, he said Muslim scholars and jurists are like stars in the sky which show the way in darkness.  People need them more than food and drink, and obedience to them gets precedence over obedience to parents, he urged Muslims to revere scholars and seek their advice.

Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) sayings:(Hadith): 

Abu Hurairah relates that he heard the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) say: "Everyone of my people will be forgiven except those who expose faults. Exposure includes a person proclaiming fault which he commits during the night and which Allah had covered up. He says in the morning: and so, listen I did this and that last night. During the night Allah had covered it up and in the morning he tears away Allah's cover."  (Bukhari and Muslim) 

The Holy Qur'an says: 

ALLAH is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as if there were Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass; the glass as it were a brilliant star: lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the East nor of the West, whose Oil is well-nigh luminous; though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah doth guide who He will to His light; Allah doth set forth Parables for men: and Allah doth know all things." (24:35) 

DU'A (Invocations) 
O Allah! Have Mercy on those Muslims Who have died believing that There is no God Other than you and that Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is Your Messenger.  

O Allah! Have Mercy On them and Forgive their sins, Make them right and Cast your pardon upon them, let them rest in peace, make their access wide Enough and wash them with rain water, snow and ice, clean them from sins as a White dress is cleaned from dirt. 

O Allah! Let their graves be spacious and full of light and joy so they rest in peace till they raise up secured on the day of Resurrection. We ask you to have mercy on us, as well, When we become like them under earth.. lonely and helpless as no more deeds are allowed. 

O Allah! Keep us firm with the word that stands firm in this world and in the Hereafter and make us of the saved ones. 

O Allah! Make the agony of death easy for us and take our souls while you are Pleased with us. 

O Allah!  They are barefooted, naked and hungry. So, dress and feed them; they are poor and need your compassion. So, cast your Mercy on them. O you the Most Compassionate to the poor and Victory Donor to the weak. 

O Allah ! We have done wrong to ourselves so if you have not forgiven us, we will be the looser. Amen.


      A Visual Guide to Hajj & Umrah
      One fifth of humankind shares a single aspiration: to complete, at least once in a lifetime, the spiritual journey of Hajj.  Watch this visual guide to learn about performing Hajj.
      Courtesy: Jafry Communications - Toronto - Canada  

      Hajj: History 
      Listen to Dr. Jamal Badawi's explanation of the history of Hajj (Pilgrimage).  This is the first program in four programs about Hajj and part of the Islamic Teaching Series.   


       Introduction to Salat (Prayers) 

Spread the Message of Allah