Hello Everyone,

I apologise to those who have already received this mail and have to read it again here.

The tragic, terrible and brutal murder of our brother Benjamin Hermansen at Homlia, Oslo last week has shown that, there are so many hurdles to clear for the realisation of Martin Luther King's famous dream in this society. This calls for a stronger, united bond and front in the struggle against this evil of Nazism.

Bros & sis, joint me in a nation-wide call in sending e-mail to the Minister of Justice, Hanne Harlem at http://odin.dep.no/jd/norsk/dep/statsraad_a/e-post/index-b-n-a.jsp   in enacting strict measures to preventing and eradicating this vicious act.

*Note: Your e-mail should not contain personal nor provocative nor infringing contents if this cause is to be justified.

"Fakkeltog mot rasistisk vold
Youngstorget Torsdag 1. februar kl. 18.00

Antirasistisk Senter og Røde Kors arrangerer et fakkeltog mot
rasistisk vold for å gi alle en mulighet til å vise sin 
sorg over drapet på Holmlia og for å markere
avsky overfor rasisme og vold.

Etter de opplysninger som nå foreligger er drapet på 
Benjamin Hermansen det første drapet utført av det 
høyreekstreme miljøet i Norge. Rasistisk vold og
trakassering er imidlertid ingen nyhet, og det er 
viktig at samfunnet tar et krafttak for å bekjempe 
denne skremmende utviklingen."

I hope that many of us can meet up tomorrow, especially those living around Oslo area. There's going to be another demonstration on Friday but it might be during working hours because we want to march to the Stortinget, the parliament. I'll send the details on the L as soon as I have them. What would be the next step I really don't know and at the moment I don't think most of know. But one thing I know is that we owe it to ourselves and to our children to make sure that we live in a safe society.
