Hamjatta, another masterpiece. We will wait till eternity to get logical
intellectual justifications from the likes of Sedat Jobe, Sarjo Jallow,
Joseph Joof, Saja Taal, Pap Cheyassin Secka, Famara Jatta, et al, and we
will not receive it. Their despicable actions are indefensible. Not only are
they morally and intellectually bankrupt, these people have been emasculated
by none other than an impotent.

Not only will they refuse to put themselves in the shoes of victims and find
motivation to fight for those victims, these vermin will not dare raise a
finger if they themselves are victimized by Yaya. Did you hear Saja Taal
complaining about the way he was treated by APRC? Did you hear Johnson from
the IEC complain about his unlawful sacking? Did you hear Pap Cheyassin cry
foul for the way Yaya treated him? Don't you think Famara Jatta, Sedat Jobe
and all these people that deal with Yaya on a daily basis, know that Yaya
does not have the wherewithal to run a household let alone a country? The
bottom-line is, we have spineless hypocrites surrounding Yaya and anyone
that wants to demystify Yaya and put him in his right place, is a threat to
them. That is what the fight is all about. We refuse to elevate Yaya and his
cohorts to god-like levels they do not deserve. They are all nonentities as
far as I am concerned and anyone that worships them is a bigger fool in my

As far as Sarjo Jallow is concerned, we do not even have to look very far to
find motivation for him to resign from his diabolical post. This man is
working for a government that kidnapped his own longtime friend, for no just
reason. To me this is victimization coming directly from Yaya. I took it
personal when a close friend of mine was unlawfully incarcerated by Yaya. I
had friends that were willing to put their lives on the line to redress the
injustice meted on this friend of ours. The last thing on our minds was to
work for Yaya at that stage. I had people that stopped talking to childhood
friends that still worked for Yaya after our friend was put in jail. And
mind you, worst injustice is being visited on Dumo. So if Sarjo Jallow had
any integrity at all, he would have protested Dumo's abduction and unlawful
incarceration. This man has no guts.

Jallow should not just be chastised because he works for a government that
orchestrated the massacre of defenseless children as young as three,
Hamjatta, this man was at the thick of things on that fateful day. Sarjo
Jallow stopped and spoke to the children before the massacre took place. I
would not be able to live with myself if I was a government minister at the
scene and I was unable to diffuse the situation. What is a more catastrophic
failure than that? Sarjo Jallow, Baba Jobe, Ousman Badgie, Sankung Badgie,
were all at the scene of the massacre. They will one day account for their
participation in this most heinous crime in the history of our country.

Hamjatta, it was not a rhetorical question you asked when you pondered
whether these people have blood running in their veins. I believe they do,
which is why I am convinced that they all have very sorry lives. They would
want to pretend that they do not feel people's pain and that they do not
know that their actions are despicable. But take it from me that they all
know what they are doing. They are banking on 'moderation', 'restraint',
'reconciliation', 'forgiveness' etc. These people think that they can do all
they did to us and get away with it. Some in the Opposition also give
credence to this perverse notion. But let be reassure all and sundry that
those days are gone. Yaya went too far. He and his cohorts (in or outside
the closet) must be living in Lala-land if they thing that we are going to
forgive and forget these atrocities. I fervently believe that if these
cowards feared reprisals, we would all be talking about other things. All
these people can tell good from evil. They are just siding with evil at
their own convenience. That does not bother me as much as it bothers me to
see Opposition members giving these vermin the impression that we are happy
with the callous and brutal way Yaya and his cohorts are treating us.

Hamjatta, these people are very guilty. Not just through their omissions (by
sitting by while a loose-canon like Yaya unleash brute force on our
children), but some of them aided and abetted the commission of crimes as
heinous as murder. Sarjo Jallow will be one of those people that will stand
trial for the massacre of our children. Mark my words.

About Joseph Joof, we will also wait until eternity to find vindication for
the man. The man himself cannot justify the decision he made to join the
government. When I read reports about his acceptance speech, the only
justification I could discern from him was the usual garbage all these
cronies give us: I am doing this for the country. As I demonstrated
(irrefutably) this is utter rubbish coming from Joof. If Joof was that
committed to public service, he would have joined the AG chambers as soon as
he got back from Britain, and stayed there. Gambia paid for his education.

From the moment he was named to that bogus commission of inquiry, I called
upon the Bar Association to get rid of him. During his watch as president of
the Association, terrible things happened in that country and he did not
raise a finger. Why is it necessary to have all these lawyers' coalitions
for human rights? Coalitions defending the victims of April 10 and 11?
Because the Bar Association is not doing its job. If the organization was
effective, they can bring the illegal government we have to its knees.
Joseph Joof, qua president of the Bar Association, failed his profession and
the entire Gambian population for that matter. I again respectfully urge the
lawyers back home to get their act together and stand up for what is right.
The abuse they are taking is unjustifiable. Next to the army, they are the
body with the most power to drive Yaya into the dustbin of history. When it
is all said and done, lawyers will not be allowed to plead ignorance or
'neutrality'. They know every illegal move Yaya and his gang makes. They
also have the power to do something about it. They must do something about
this lawlessness.

Hamjatta, we should rest our case about Joseph Joof for now. Now he shares
the same cabinet table with murderers like Ousman Badgie. Would a man with
any integrity assist Yaya to treat our children in the despicable way he has
treated them by refusing to punish the perpetrators of the most heinous
crime in Gambian history?

The answer to your question about how these vermin will feel if their own
children were murdered, is that they do not have the guts to stand up for
themselves, their children, or anybody for that matter. They are all cowards
and moral bankrupts. People that will not fight for us do not deserve to
lead us. We should get rid of all of them.

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