There were  several Queen-mothers of Kham_t who carried the name 'Cleopatra' (Gk). The famous one was indeed Africoid whilst the one who during the Ptolemaic dynasty (after the Greek conquest of Egypt) is the one celebrated by Western society chiefly because of her hue.

Also, perhaps the dissenting brother would feel better after reading the works of Cheikh Anta Diop (Senegal).

That Mansa Abubacar II relinquished the throne of Mali to his relative Mansa Musa and set sail with a thousand ships off the coast of Senegambia across the atlantic is not a Black American 'feel good' make-belief, but a fact recounted by Mande Jalis. 100 miles off the gambian coast, strong currents will drift even a canoe with no sails or power to the americas.

Nor is the Olmec megalithic stone heads with Africoid features found across the Mexico and Central America an illusion but reality. Further, place names, rice cultivation techniques, linguistic affinities (e.g. Caracole = Sarahule), Architectural designs, and many more found on this side of the Atlantic point directly to Mande!

Short Reading List:

1. They Came Before Columbus - Ivan Van Sertima

2. African Origin of Civilization - C.A.Diop

3. Civilization or Barbarism - An authentic Anthropology - C.A. Diop

4. Flash of the Spirit - Rober Farris Johnson

5. Black Athena - Martin Bernal (grandson of Sir Alan Gardiner - 'Father of Egyptology')


>To add, black African culture was a crucial part of ancient Egypt. I believe Southern Egypt conquered the Northern part to start the empire. One look at the statues of the first Egyptian pharoahs from the South and this becomes apparent. Cleopatra surely did not look like Elizabeth Taylor. (laugh)

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