
Sorry i couldn't address your concerns as early as i would have loved to. I was enormously tied up with lots of private stuff and would remain so for the rest of the weekend. In the event, i would strive to collaborate in any way i can and time accords me.

In your last correspondence, you enquired: "Notwithstanding, I am still oblige to convey to the Central Committee how the invitation was transmitted to PDOIS. Was it through e-mail or the post?. The letter you transmitted also talked about colleagues. Could we say that there was no special letter written to PDOIS or opposition parties but that we were all part of the colleagues who received a notice to attend a meeting convened by Mr. John McDonnell.?"

Well, i'll begin by apologising for a mishap: Turns out i've forwarded  the wrong letter to you. My attention was drawn to it late last evening and was just to busy to attend to it at the time the flag was raised. I'm posting the letter sent to your party. Please find it pasted below at the bottom of the shell of this mail. And yes it was sent by post. All your colleagues, the Opposition members who were present at the Session, have acknowledged receipt of theirs. Evidence, if any were needed, that these letters were indeed mailed and addressed to the Sec Gen of every Opposition party in the Gambia.

Further, you plunged into a terrain, which for us, is a non sequitir: The question of financing the shuttling and general welfare of attendees from the Gambia. This was never an issue when you were stating why you wouldn't deign your *independence* by attending a Briefing Session convened by a British MP in London. Your reason for not showing up in London was - as your articles unequivocally pointed out - based on principles and not financial constraints. So why come up with this new tune to muddy things further?

Finally, you wrote: " We are engage in a fact finding mission. You would agree that decisions are connected with, dependent on and determine by the raw materials from which they are made. We are trying to put the factual ingredients together. "

Hear, hear.....hear! Strange it took you, Halifa Sallah, a man of your experience [with more than a decade in the public domain], weeks of flak from Gambians of all walks of life for you to realise " that decisions are connected with, dependent on and determine by the raw materials from which they are made." Had you followed this wiseacre and not resorted to the simple-minded hysteria and knee-jerk reaction you opted for by ridiculing our decent efforts, we would be respectfully engaged in more productive things common to all Gambians instead of jockeying back and forth over issues that are increasingly becoming frivolous and anecdotal. Your assertion that you are now " trying to put the factual ingredients together"  becomes something of a tongue-in-cheek when one considers your absurd and hostile modus operandi of shoot-and-ask-questions-later you adopt towards the Briefing Session. One would have thought that when one is in doubt, one enquires respectfully before launching an attack into something one now professes ignorance of. Talk about placing the cart before the horse.

Halifa, in a country where the restless ghosts of 15 innocent kids hover over us and their colleagues are threatened with imprisonment by the same remorseless and unrepentant gov't that ordered that heinous crime, the least those of us who have the capacity to be effective in acting as a credible bulwark against such tyranny, is to forge our resources together and combat the perpetrators of such a heinous crime and not jockeying back and forth over issues that will give cold comfort to the dictatorship. As promised, i will cooperate with your *enquiries* in any way i can possibly muster. It just won't tell well on you if you continue this pettiness and not directing your energies and resources towards avoiding the Gambia becoming another Sierra Leone. I guess the recent flak from all sides, at any rate on this List, should give you a clue about what i'm on to.

Best wishes,

Hamjatta Kanteh






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Mr Halifa Sallah

Secretary General

Peoples Democratic Organisation for

Independence and Socialism

Sambou Street

Churchills Town


The Gambia.


4 February 2001




Dear Sir,




The Movement for The Restoration Of Democracy In The Gambia (UK), hereby extends formal invitation to you personally and to your Party, to attend a special briefing session on The Gambia, to be held at the Houses of Parliament in London on the 28 February 2001.

The session is jointly convened by Mr. John McDonnell MP, member of parliament for the London constituency of Hayes and Harlington and the Movement.

The briefing session will sensitise a gathering of members of the British political establishment, including members of parliament as well as representatives of International organisations, as to the deteriorating political, social and economic conditions in the Gambia.

The Movement will endeavour through this exercise, to focus international attention on the ongoing political crisis and of the erosion of democratic rights and freedoms taking place in The Gambia, which has remained largely concealed from the outside world.

We look forward to your personal attendance at this very important meeting. In the event this is not possible, we ask that you send a letter of support which will be read to the meeting.






Jeggan james Bahoum




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