Dampha, it doesn't really matter to me if you take me seriously or not. The
fact that we are discussing issues that affect us all even if don't see eye
to eye on them is good enough for me. We hardly agree on anything simply
because you don't have what it takes to admit to anything I say because of
your obssession of getting rid of Yahya Jammeh. Boy, oh boy, your anger and
desperation really worries me.

You wrote:

"I hope you get it straight that I am NOT absolving the 'trigger happy
animals' that acted on Yaya's order. However, in my opinion, Yaya is
guiltier than those animals. My point was that the Opposition should not be
lured by the likes of you to FOCUS on the 'trigger happy animals' or the
'NAMS'. Yaya is the bigger culprit here. More importantly, he is the one
that calls the shots and give the shoot-to-kill orders. So, I reiterate that
simple logic tells us to Focus on the bigger fish and deal with the small
fry in due course. I hope I made myself clear this time. You are ALL guilty.
It is just that Yaya is guiltier".

Dampha, that's all I wanted from you. Because earlier you said exactly that;
when you wrote:

"I blame all of them. Yaya, the soldiers, the national assembly members,
commission of inquiry, the coroner, and cronies like you that are bent on
clouding the issues and trying to absolve yaya of culpability. He is as
guilty as sin. It is not a matter of 'either or. It is a matter of 'both'
and 'all'".

However your conviction that I want to absolve Yaya of any wrongs done in
his name of on behalf of his government is absolute rubbish. The essence of
putting the NAMs and Security forces in the thick of things is to highlight
some inherent flaws in our system. The president has so much power that he,
singlely, is the government, dominating everyone and everything else. This I
consider very unhealthy.

You agin wrote:

"Jobe, I think you think you are dealing with ten-year-olds on
G_L. So the laws said that Yaya cannot remove the parliamentarians and
cannot change their remuneration. Do you read from that that these
parliamentarians are independent and do not have to toe the APRC line? Do
you read from that that Yaya is not pulling the strings? I will give you a
hint and remind you about what the law says about the removal of IEC
Commissioners. Did Yaya respect that law when he wanted to get rid of
Johnson? Jobe, your theories about what is in the books mean nothing to the
Dictatorship. Everyone with a functioning brain knows that if these APRC
parliamentarians go against Yaya's wish in parliament, they will be
dealtwith severely. Again you just exhibited your naivete by pointing to
these theoretical checks and balances in order to rationalize what is going
on in the country".

Dampha, like it or not, these "theoretical checks and balances" are all we
have and they are precisely what will determine how the forth coming
elections are conducted. If you have no faith in them, then you really do
need to come to terms with that reality.

As for the removal of Bishop Johnson and Imam Fatty, all I can say is that
the matter is before the courts and may be, it won't be long before we know
the outcome.

On a final note, please allow me to congratulate you on your well written
piece condemning the passing of the Indemnity bill by the national assembly.
Brilliant! When writing that piece, your eyes were wide open and for a
moment your narrow mindedness was gone. Keep it up.


Jabou Joh, I have seen that you've abandoned running for the delete button.
Keep reading.


Do I sence another very angry man here? Don't worry some yoga can be of

You wrote:

"For your information, I am one of the first people who took this clown
seriously when he first surfaced on the list. I wonder where you were then.
He started parading all the crack-pot projects that APRC is using to
hoodwink the electorate and tried to rationalise those bizarre projects
vis-a-vis the brutalities and lies metted out to the masses. I refuted his
claims contructively. Check the archives and see if he was genuine in his
response. Of course that's because I took him seriously... not any more".

Dear, oh dear another frustrated guy. Unless am mistaken, I can't remember
you refuting the rationalization of any of the APRC projects that I defended
here. May be you can refresh my mind. You see young man, stay not too long
in the States. What you are taking for granted living in the US, and the
reality here are totally different. If you cannot see the relevance of these
so called crack-pot projects, then I am sorry for you. These projects were
long overdue and like I have said before, an acre of performance is worth a
whole world of promises. If you had elaborated on what these crack-pot
projects were or the what the opposition would have done, it would have been
very useful. Sorry to tell you that your deluded sence of what this country
needs and does not need is most unfortunate for a seemingly well educated
kid. Do take my advise and visit. You will be pleasantly surprised by these
projects. Check the archives for more details.

Have a good day and bye 4Now, KB Jobe.

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