Hi Mr 'Jobe' or 'Nying' or whatever name you wish to call your cowardly self,
As i follow your so-called 'informed' analyses of the Jammeh oligarchy, the more i realise that you are the 'weakest link'. 
The reason  i came to such a conclusion is very simple given that you have inadvertently accepted that you suffer from a very special type of 'foot-in-mouth'(note the difference with foot and mouth disease) disease.  While accepting that Jammeh is a liar and murderer you still think that he is the best Gambia can have.  What an acute form of (Acute low expectation syndrome)ALES to borrow from Kebba Dampha  you seem to be affected with.
In all your postings challenging the contentions made by my able compatriots(KB, Ebrima Ceesay,Hamjatta, Saul Khan, Bamba Laye , Kujabi and the rest), you haven't been at any intance given any coherent argument to let those of us who are less articulate to understand why you support this murderous regime.
The reasons parroted by you among others are the projects implemented by our benevolent Jammeh.  You mentioned new projects being implemented in the fishing sector etc.
However, my difficulty in understanding the significance of all these so-called developments is the very admissions made by the Minister of Finance in this year's budget.
Among other things the Minister admitted that the government debt is in the tune of over half a billion dalasis and increasing.  He also admitted that government drive to eradicate poverty have failed.  The very fact that the farming and tourism sectors are suffering a slow but sure dead under this regime does not seem to be of any significance to you.  The roads project have been very slow and it is clear that cost is mounting.   Most of the projects mentioned by you have no impact on the majority of the ordinary folk in the Gambia.
This government's record on governance is abysmal to say the least.  It is a known fact that meaningful and longlasting development is synonymous to democracy and good governance.  However, the APRC/Jammeh do not seem to understand this.  
The eratic nature by which Jammeh hires and fires civils servants and ministers is phenomenal.  How can any project be implemented and for it to be successful when it is apparent that if those overseeing them do not dance to the tune of his 'Highness-the Kanilai Imbecile'. Last year Yahya vowed to bring electricity to 98% of the Gambia by July this year, but i know come the rainy season our people will still be experiencing shortages.  It is very clear such a droop from Yahya was made whilst he was in his usual hallucination. 
For you the governments attempt to change parts of the constitution which are found to be 'inimical' to its interest is less important when pitted against your 'sweet little projects'. 
It is this government who loudly claimed that they are different from Jawars's ineptitude.  However, an observance of six of Jammeh and three decades of Jawara looks like that the former have indeed outdone the latter in inefficiency, brutally, lies, corruption and so on.  Remember the oil saga. 
Since Jammeh usurped power in 1994, Gambia has been visited with brutally unbeknown to us.  The level of corruption which obtains in the Gambia today is way beyond comprehension.  How can you reconcile Jammeh's boast that he  and his folks will never be poor again given that he was a pauper before he came to power.  Where is all the money he is throwing around coming from.  I hope since you are Canterbury educated you will not tell me that such comes from the bank of God. 
'Jobe' i am stopping this message here since i know that nothing can wake you up from the deep slumber you are in at moment.   My brothers and sisters have tried but to no avail.  I for one do not give a damn about your type.  For i consider you as dead wood.  And for me dead wood is only of use when they fossilize, only then i they can be of benefit.
I shall end by saying to Good bye, You are the Weakest link.  Even with a degree in engineering  you seem not to be able to work out simple equations.  See you  when you are fossilized.

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