Mr. Colly, another solid piece of work. Your expose of the cowards we are
dealing with, is invaluable to the Gambian story. We must set the record
straight for history's sake. I am NOT surprised at all that Yaya stayed mute
throughout your exchanges with Singhateh at the Denton Bridge. The vermin is
a coward of the highest order. Yaya has the mindset of a bully. When push
comes to shove, he retreats. He is nothing but a coward. Singhateh however,
is a lunatic. Left to this man alone, his machismo will have him try and
fight nations as powerful as America. He is sick.

These vermin were on a suicide mission on July 22, 1994. They were
nonentities with nothing to live for. Unlike fine soldiers and Gambians like
your humble self and Chongan, that had wives, children and other relatives
and friends in the community, Yaya, Singhateh et al had NOTHING to look
forward to. How many Gambians knew Singhateh's and Yaya's parents? The
vermin had no wives. No children. No respectable friends. No homes they
could call their own. Not even a bicycle. For crying out loud, even their
uniforms were supplied to them by the Gambian taxpayer.

For these people to lay their lives on the ground and in the process
annihilate the Gambians, was a piece of cake to them. Not any more. Now they
have tasted a bit of what they were dreaming of all their sorry lives, they
love the lives they are leading now. It was only through God's intervention
and your good sense that you lived to talk about this episode. I hope
Gambians in general and List subscribers learn from these revelations why I
am always livid when people try to credit these criminals for the fact that
the coup was bloodless. Now people will realize that left to cowards like
Yaya and Sonko and loose canons like Singhateh and Sabally, many lives would
have been lost on July 22, 1994. The fact that the coup was bloodless, had
nothing to do with the good behavior of these low-lives.

Think about it. The reason Singhateh wanted a full blown fight on July 22,
1994 was the same reason they cooked up that bogus coup in November 1994. If
they had a full blown fight, the morons thought that that would enable them
to eliminate 'dissenting' officers in the armed forces and the civilians
they were stealing power from. They thought that it is easier to justify
killing in the heat of battle than to try and defend summary executions in
cold-blood. You see how Singhateh's sick mind works? They might be
trigger-happy animals, but they are also after self-preservation. They knew
there was no way they could defend killing hundreds of Gambians in
cold-blood. How do they get rid of those Gambians any way? Create chaos and
the semblance of battle in order to say that people were killed in a gun
fight. That is all Singhateh was after. You and Chongan foiled their plans
to murder innocent Gambians. The heat they faced in the aftermath of the
cold-blooded murder of Saye et al, was what Singhateh wanted to avoid. But
the summary executions on July 22, 1994 would have been worst. Those would
have included the slaughter of civilians as well. They would have used any
gun battle as a pretext to slaughter all the ministers and top civil
servants. That was their plan.

I must also take this opportunity to commend Chongan for his bravery and
courage to stand up to these vermin. He carried his constitutionally
mandated duty to the letter; defending the legitimate government of the day.
For that duty, Chongan was prepared to lose his life. Fine man. Did things
the right way. Went to school. Did very well in school. Followed his
father's footsteps and joined the Gendarme at a period when these
institutions were not popular to the 'elite' in the country. By this I mean,
kids with Chongan's background were busy going to universities when this man
selflessly decided to emulate his father and joined our police force. He
excelled at the Gendarmes, getting his training from the Senegalese, France,
Turkey, you name it. If I am not mistaken, he joined the Gendarme in 1982.
By 1984 this man was speaking French fluently, well respected by his peers
and his superiors and juniors alike.

Is it unfair for 12 years down the road (1994) for some one of Chongan's
caliber to be one of the Deputy Inspector Generals of Police? Mind you, I
did not even give you the specifics about the man's training, because I do
not have a military background and do not know the specifics. Suffice for me
to say that he is one of (if not the) most well-trained Police Officers in
the country. Yet, vermin like Yaya were jealous of what this gentleman and
his father worked for for all these years. According to the sick minds of
people like Yaya, the coup was necessary because of people like Chongan. Up
to 1994 (after 12 years working for the government) Chongan has not built
his own house. Contrast that with the vermin that have been leading us the
past six years. And remember, these people were nonentities pre-1994.
Whereas Chongan's father had worked very hard for the country since we
gained independence in 1965 and had enough to give his children a good start
if he wanted to. But this goes back to people's upbringing. The elder
Chongan (a very righteous  and 'no nonsense' man) will not even give the
younger Chongan assistance to join the Gendarme let alone build him a house.
His parents did not bring him up to be a parasite with an entitlement
mentality. The parasitic tendencies evinced by the Yayas of this world was
NEVER in the makeup of these fine gentlemen. Gambia did not owe them a
thing. They worked hard for everything they got. People like Yaya on the
other hand, thought that society owed them something. 'Because Chongan has a
fine job, a wife and good friends, Yaya was also entitled to a fine job, a
wife and good friends. If Yaya does not have what Chongan has, there must be
something wrong with the society. It was not fair. Chongan had some
advantages. Forget the fact that this man has sacrificed 12 years of his
life to the armed forces.'

I go through this lengthy discussion to show people the difference between
the Yayas of this world and the Gambians they stole power from. I lay it out
like this to show people what Yaya et al resented about our society. Chongan
represents a lot of Gambians whose parents worked very hard to bring them up
properly. Chongan represents a lot of Gambians that worked very hard to get
what they got pre-1994. Gambians that never stole from anybody. Gambians
that paid their debt to society. Gambians that were prepared to die
defending the nation from criminals like Yaya. These criminals have no moral
authority to lead us. They are nothing but a bunch of jealous low-lives
engaged in nothing but a criminal robbery of the Gambian people in broad
daylight. Simple as that. They are using thuggery to steal from us in order
to lead lives that their sweat and intellect and their parent's work cannot
give them.

Mr. Colly, thanks again for your invaluable contributions. I am sure as we
move on it will become clearer to Gambians that the low-lives were motivated
by nothing but jealousy, greed and laziness. 'They could not make it the
honest way. Why not steal it?' I look forward to your revelation of the
back-stabbing that went on during the early days culminating to the arrest
of people like you, Mamat Cham, Sherrif Mbye, Alieu Ndure etc. We would also
appreciate further exploration of reports that these cowards were
intoxicated with all sorts of drugs when they marched into Banjul on July
22, 1994. I am sad to learn that Antouman Saho gave Chongan et al the same
treatment he gave you. The man ran and hid in the toilet when he knew that
people were calling upon him to defend innocent Gambian taxpayers that were
paying his salary. We thank you for putting your life on the line and
successfully negotiating a cease-fire. We thank Chongan for standing his
ground and carrying out his constitutionally mandated duties on a day when
even the legitimate president of the day failed to carry his to the letter.
I hope and pray that people like you and Chongan put your lives in
perspective. You should NEVER abandon the good things you are doing and the
good lessons you learnt from your good families. We are on the right path.
We should endeavor to continue in this struggle and pass our strong
principles and values to our children. We should NEVER abandon our views and
follow the Devil.

Finally, I just want to make it perfectly clear that I hold no brief for
Chongan. I used his example to illustrate a bigger point: the low-lives
leading us have NO RIGHT to steal power from the people they stole power
from. If there was a justification for a coup (another topic I do not want
to get to here) Yaya et al were NOT the people that should have pulled it.
They have no rightful claim to power. For doubters that think I am making up
some of the things I said about Yaya and Chongan, I just refer you to
history (what their parents did for them and how they struggled to get to
where they got) and the reality today. Chongan was incarcerated for months.
Tortured, threatened with death, all sorts of abuses. To this day, he has
NEVER been convicted of a single offense by a legitimate court of law. Yaya
et al cannot taint him with any corruption from the Jawara regime. Chongan
was eventually released because they had nothing tangible on him. Being the
fighter he is, he resisted temptation after his release and refused to join
the Yaya regime. He left Gambia with is family and the last I heard, he was
in Britain studying law. That is the reality today. No unsubstantiated
allegations, bogus facts, lies etc. Now, does this man sound like someone
who is not prepared to work hard for a living? Is there any truth in Yaya's
silly claim that if he fires you from your job, that spells the end of your
life? Chongan walked away from them and he is doing better if you ask me. He
NEVER mortgaged his soul to the Devil and then gave the sorry excuse that he
was merely doing his duty like some of the prostitutes we have back home.
The man stayed true to his principles and left the 'cozy' existence in
Gambia to go to Britain to become a student again (after having gone all the
way to the top and gotten his career stolen from him by our low-life
criminals). They can steal his career, but they cannot steal what God wants
him to get in this life.

Colly, you take care and get back to us at your own schedule. We are
indebted to you. I hope Gambians open their eyes and ears to your stories.
By the time you are done with these vermin, Gambians will have no doubts
about the kinds of low-lives they are dealing with. Even Yaya (the master
dreamer) will see himself in a different light. Thank you very much.
As an aside, I respectfully counsel you to write Kebba Joke off. I just saw
some sorry whining from him again and numerous double talk. Like you said
before, although a rascal can never convince people, his rascality can sow
the seeds of doubt in people's minds. "Saye saye nahul ken waiye mun na
tilimal hel". Joke knows he cannot fool anyone on this forum. What he seeks
to do, is try and undermine people. You realized how he pleaded ignorance
again and did not give us the 'official government version'? He wants to
doubt your version but does not have the guts or the wherewithal or the
facts to counter your powerful expose. He still foolishly claims that he is
not here to defend the AFPRC/APRC, but he is yet to respond to my contention
that he has written before in this forum that the atrocities of the AFPRC
can be 'excused' bearing in mind their military background. In other words,
it was all right for these animals to kill Saye et al because Gambia trained
Yaya et al to become soldiers. See how sick Joke is? It is never Yaya's
fault. It is somebody else's. To rationalize his argument, he dishonestly
says that the Opposition is saying that Yaya is solely responsible for our
plight. Lies, Lies and Lies. He tried the lie with me and I shoved it in his
throat. No one is saying that Yaya is solely responsible for our plight.
Matter of fact, numerous subscribers have said that the Jokes of this world
prostituting for Yaya are even more culpable than Yaya. But if Joke accepts
that premise, it becomes irrelevant trying to point to other people for
culpability. So, he has to lie in order to try and shift responsibility to
someone else. All he is trying to do, is absolve Yaya of culpability.
Needless to say, he will fail. Even Yaya himself cannot save himself. But
Joke, being the moron he is, thinks he can save Yaya. Let him keep wearing
his blinkers. Let him not listen to you. I will be magnanimous with him and
inform him that when Yaya et al did not listen to you and used the weapons
you told them not to use, some soldiers blew themselves up. Joke will get it
when Yaya blows his brains out.

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