
Joe is right. While some of the questions being raised are valid, him or
none of the other leaders of this drive can give anyone answers they simply
DON'T have. We're all cognizant of the huddles the Opposition face back home
-especially when it comes to funding. Therefore, if we're sincere about our
support for them, we ought to give what we can to help them fend off the
APRC's open Money Politics. So, unless I'm missing something, I just don't
see the sense in pestering the leaders of this fund drive with questions
about what the fund will be used for. That's quite self-evident: The fund
will go to an Opposition Coalition (even if that doesn't turn out to be ALL
the opposition parties,) with our stipulations/conditionalities. We all have
some ideas about what type of Constitutional/Legislative Changes The Gambia
needs to prosper, and these will be presented to the Oppositioon Leaders
next week, and we'll take it from there. Other than that, I just don't know
what people want Joe Sambou, or Dr. Saine to assure them. Time is going, and
our help is desperately needed. Should we dip in our pockets and do what we
can so the Opposition can unseat Yaya thru' the ballot (and avert something
more undesirable,) or should we continue to engage in irrelevant enquiries
to cast aspersions on the wisdom of the whole drive? You tell me.

And on the Kiang defeat, be careful here Ous. Remember, I was one of the
first people to react to the results, and I was really inclined to blame the
UDP -until I spoke to people on both sides of the fence. If it wasn't
vote-buying that did it for APRC, I'm dying to hear what did. Fancy this:
MaHawa Cham (APRC) -Secondary Four education; NEVER had a job in his life
-unless if you want to call July 22nd Movt thuggery a job; no family life to
speak of. (Yus Dabo will be here this week. He was MaHawa's classmate at
Kiaf Primary School. You talk to him.)
Fabakary Jarju (UDP)- Semi-professional; had solid employment before the
APRC came on the scene; respected member of the Kiang community; responsible
family man and father; has hosted hundreds of his kin when they visit the
Kombos over the years; (from reports) has helped many Kiang School graduates
find jobs over the years.
Remember, both candidates have a similar social and ethnic background.

Question: Who among these two do you truly believe Kiang people will vote
for in a level-playing field? Who do they owe something? Specifically, what
does anyone owe MaHawa? If it wasn't the money that Baba Jobe, Nai Ceesay
and others were throwing around that corrupted those desperate people, I'm
very curious to hear what did it. It's erroneous to think that the UDP was
only hilighting the APRC's Human Rigths record. That's what Kebba Jobe Daddy
Nying want's us to believe for obvious reasons. In reality, they discuss
bread and butter issues relevant to ALL Gambians!

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