
I join KB, Saul and others in commending you and your team for a job well
done. The simple task of inviting and bringing people together can be so
stressful and demanding, nontheless, you folks pulled the strings together
to make this event a success. We appreciate that fact and thank you.

That said, i shall register my disappointment in the lack of proper
communication chanels whereby all concerned, and indeed, interested parties
are informed of prog schedule and the proper topic of discussion. Why  i am
bringing up this issue is the fact that, the perception i, and i believe,
many more people developed was that the meeting was purposefully organised
and geared towards building a united opposition party. In that case all the
opposition parties are coming together under the DC tranquil skies and to
discuss issues of common concern to them which, eventually will come home
with a family of the united opposition. If things turn out to be different
then, we must register our sentiments. Period.

You, the organisers, may not actually have been responsible for the
communication break-down, nontheless, you will hear us blame you. Take the
blame and work with it to improve upon the next event. So that, that event
will be better organised and yield greater satisfaction from the critics. I
am by no means down-playing the success of the recent meeting. Just
reminding you that; to lead is difficult, moreso, if you are leading from
behind. Bravo for the initiative!

Good day,

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