Professor Assan,

You see, of all the idiots who are only interested on personal attacks on
people rather than discussing worthy of people's times, you sound the most
comical. Are you for real? You accuse of using vulgar language you don't
even seem to know the meaning. I have never had a decent exchange with you.
All you seem to dwell on is gutter politics and vulagarity. As for standing
up for myself, you bet. You may all hate Jammeh and the APRC for all I care,
but I will not accept people peddlings and unfounded allegations about what
is happening here. Those of you who honest enough to accept the truth for
what it is will never peddle the lies that there was more freedom of speech
during the first republic than now. Anybody who believes so must be the
worst hypocrite of all time. Who would have dared produce any of the many
derogatory articles that the Independent churns day in day out during
Jawara's "Heavenly days"? Get real.

Have a good day, papisco.

PS: Suma Kadu and professor Assan means ziltch to me.
>From: Suma kadu <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> ><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Papisco! Re: My Take
>Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:19:47 -0000
>Pamodou Gassama <[log in to unmask]> Wrote
>"This is to inform the list that Kebba Jobe is bowing out and Pamodou
>Gassama is coming in. Hamajatta, the dubious character is being re-
>packaged. As they say, the same old wine in differrent bottles. As Kebba
>Jobe has done for me most of what I expected, he is retiring. Yes Mr.
>Makaveli, Pamodou Gassama is indeed Kebba Jobe. So neither jubilate nor
>despair.  You will still be dealing with the same old S***. Nothing
>more, nothing less."
>OK tough guy, you can now relax. Hell, did you know I used to believe
>Kebba Jobe is a stand-up comedian? Now I know he is not. BTW, this is
>Prof Assan in case you've forgotten. For old time's sake let me first
>thank you for scooping your own poop. You've been hiding like an idiot
>for decades. Now we finally know what sewer you're from.Please hold your
>horses, no one is jubilating quite yet and I'm sure you realise that. If
>anything we are disgusted that a seemingly educated person would be used
>and abused by illiterates like Jammeh. There was a reason why we asked
>that you atleast have the decency to let us know who you are instead of
>going around calling everybody bunch of idiots simply because their
>views differ from yours.
>Gambia-L is presumably a tribunal of public opinion and nothing like the
>Hague. So take solace in that. Have no fear. I'm sure you've said things
>that you regretted saying but you know, sometimes emotions get high and
>being anonymous also makes you think you can get away with saying
>certain things. But I gotta tell, it's a whole ball game now. You will
>be forced to be mindful of what you can get away with now that all
>cards are on the deck. Everything now boils down to accountability and
>shall remain admissible in the court of law, so make no mistake about
>that. That is infact the message we have been doggedly trying to paint
>here, and we hope that those in hiding would learn from this incident
>that you can run but you can't hide forever. That yes, people have
>every right to remain anonymous but that should not give them the
>luxury to make unfounded commentaries and usually irrepairable damages
>in terms of character assasinations resulting from misguided, insidious
>allegations on your part. Such is deem a very serious crime and the
>perpetrator must be reprimanded for public misconduct or failure to
>accept any self-imposed responsibilities and in other words being
>cognizant of what it would be like to be meted out with the consequences
>of public humiliations/outrage, for fear of risking one's reputation.
>This has been the reason why most of us have repetitiously argued that
>while it is issues that matter, the identities of those participating
>in these issues shouldn't be taken for granted, and that we all see the
>argument there but the overall concern warrants some form of
>authenticity to say the least.
>For what it's worth Papisco, I would like to take this moment to commend
>Mr Pa Modou Gassama, formerly Kebba Jobe, for coming out of the cold and
>out of his volition, decided to quit running around and hiding like a
>complete idiot every 15 minutes. Some of us were actually out of gas.
>But hey, when things get too far out of hand, we don't stoop to your
>level. We go lower than that. I'm sure your fans would be disappointed,
>but we really appreciate a little honesty, even if others fail to see
>it that way.
>Ebima Ceesay, what can we say? Even Mr Gassama gotta hand it to you for
>a job well done on your investigative report. BTW, I just have one
>question for you Ebrima ; what kind of fishing hook did you use to bait
>this poor smug? I bet you could have fried him for supper but of course
>we have a bigger fish to catch. Ain't that some shit! Keep up the good
>work down there..
>Back from Sewer L,
>Prof Assan.
>PS: Kebba Jobe, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say
>will be used in the court of law. You have a right to an attorney and
>should in case you can't afford one, the court will appoint one of the
>dumbest lawyers our legal system can afford for you. Put your hands
>where we can see it. Good, now turn around and lay on the pavement.
>Wholly shit, it's Pa Modou Gassama. Let him go. I repeat, let him go.
>You are free to go sir.
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