I have to say that this is one of the most interesting articles that I have read on the Gambia-L in a while and to be exact I read it from start to finish.  Enough Said!

Jennifer Eidson Aladesipe

>From: Moses Sarr <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Ma' Lekken (It's true in Jola)
>Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 09:01:19 +0000
>Below is an interesting story by someone from the Jammeh forum, read
>on, it
>is well written.
>Posted by Ma' Lekken (It's true in Jola) on July 19, 2001 at
>Humankind, you have to understand that we have a special situation
>in the
>Gambia. I get a lot of flak for no reason, so hear me out for I have
>reasons for what I do.
>You see, I have guns –many, many dangerous guns. The smart ones
>among you
>know where I got them. Oh, yes Al Ghaddaf is My brother. The
>Americans can
>go to hell. Though many of the guns are used and in need of
>maintenance, and
>My boys don’t know how to operate some, they serve their purpose.
>That’s the
>idea, not so?
>See, I’m on a Mission. Yes, a Mission. That’s what people fail to
>realize. I
>spent 10 years in the Army, and what did I get? Lieutenant rank. 10
>and I only made Lieutenant! Couldn’t even afford my own basic needs.
>Had to
>keep begging my colleagues daily for cigarette money. Couldn’t find
>a decent
>girlfriend, cause they all want men with money, education or refined
>qualities. I don’t have any. Neither did I have a nice Apartment,
>nor was I
>able to buy Mama what she needs. The Old One had to sell spices and
>rag-tag foodstuff at the Market. What life is that?
>So as soon as some smart Junior Officers invited me to Chair a
>coup, I jumped. Didn’t even have to do a thing. What’s wrong with
>that? I
>saw my opportunity and took it! In America, they’ll call it “The
>Way.” Someone told me about a great American named Tammany Hall who
>lived by
>that creed. Edward Singhateh and Sana Sabally should be the ones who
>get the flak, not me. They thought I would just be a figurehead.
>Well, now
>they all know that won’t happen. Look at what I’ve been able to
>in six years: built my bush hamlet into a mini-city complete with
>all the
>trappings of modern life (only place in Gambia with a 24 hour water
>electricity supply;) bought myself a wife from Morocco (why settle
>skin-bleaching Gambian women when I can have the ‘real thing?’;
>myself a private plane (why do I have to fly commercial;) I give my
>dirt-poor subjects millions of Dalasi every year (all I ask is that
>grovel at my feet;) well the countless women who have looked down on
>me all
>my life, now they all want me (because I can fire their husbands
>anytime;) I
>have more money than I know what to do with (my descendants yet
>unborn would
>never go through what I went through.) I should be commended for my
>achievement, not criticized. Not so?
>But my enemies –yes anyone who criticizes me is an ENEMY of the
>State. And I
>am the State! Well, my enemies have nothing but their mouths, their
>pens, a
>few rag-tag private Radio Stations that cannot even be heard in
>Brikama, the
>Internet, and the West. They’re all Paper Tigers! Sissies if you ask
>Real men would pick up machetes and knives to confront My boys with
>AK47s and semi-automatics. But, they’re not real men. So they keep
>criticizing me, many of them at a distance. As if I care. Let them.
>I don’t
>fear anyone but Allah who has been such a good friend that he has
>allowed me
>to dip into his Personal Bank Account to fund my government. So what
>if I
>keep most of it for myself? Yes, His Most Venerable has allowed me
>honor. They criticize me for this honor out of jealousy. Just
>because The
>All Mighty never had such a relationship with Prophets Muhammad and
>Christ doesn’t mean he can’t have one with me. The West, they think
>have a monopoly on wealth. Well, they’ve never dealt with anyone
>quite like
>On Human Rights proper, our policy is clear:
>“If you belong to My Party -the APRC, you can go anywhere in The
>Gambia and
>do whatever you want. You can beat up anyone who says anything
>about My Highness or our Party. You can go to any government
>department and
>take what you want. If you don’t want to do a rough job, you can
>always rely
>on our National Intelligence Agency to do the job for you. State
>means torturing anyone who slights My Highness or our Party. And oh,
>Police? Don’t even worry about them arresting you. They know who’s
>the boss
>here. The only thing you cannot do is to go against My wishes,
>because all
>of us in the Party are equal, but some are more equal than others.
>who do not support our Party will be seen as Enemies, and will be
>treated as
>such. No exceptions!”
>Now this is a Fundamental Human Right, isn’t it? The rules are
>clear. It is
>Real democracy. The West criticizes me, but if you really look at
>it, my
>policy is better than what they have. Remember racism is still alive
>well there. So, we have to stick to our Fundamental Human Rights
>Otherwise, we’ll be seen as weak. We cannot let that happen! Some
>are too stupid to understand this. They make me show them I mean
>what I say.
>How can you blame me for that?
>Remember November 1994? Some fellow named Lt. Basiru Barrow who was
>original chosen leader of the coup had the habit of responding
>slowly to my
>orders. I think he was jealous because he’s smarter than I am, and
>thought My position is rightfully his. True, but since when has
>mattered? I cannot afford to let him make me feel guilty about
>stealing the
>limelight from him. He had to go! And go he did with all the
>Officers, and
>soldiers close to him. I ordered My boys to butcher them and dump
>bodies in a pit latrine. Serves them right. We called it a “Coup
>Civilians don’t really care. Besides I own a Radio and TV Station,
>and most
>Gambians are too simple-minded to question what they hear on such
>media. Our
>story stands unchallenged. My chicken-hearted Enemies criticized me
>being brutal, but I had to set an example. Our Human Rights Policy
>has to be
>I even had to mete out the same type of treatment to some of My
>in the Council when their heads became too swollen. Right after I
>took care
>of Lt. Barrow and company, My very own Vice Chairman Capt. Sana
>Sabally and
>Council Member Capt. Sadibu Hydara accosted me in My office for some
>decisions that I made. Just because Sana was one of the two people
>handed me this position, he thought he could remove me at his whim.
>He was
>lucky I didn’t have him shot immediately. If he weren’t blinded by
>arrogance, he would have noticed how I had consolidated my position
>promoting my fellow Jolas to all sensitive security positions. And
>what? I took away all the money and things that we shared amongst
>as “Risk Compensation.”
>Yes, we had to compensate ourselves for having the courage to stage
>a Walk
>Over coup. We’re National Heroes, you know. I gave away a lot of My
>share to
>different Groups around the country. Edward bought his Mama a house
>London, and an air ticket to go see her people in England after
>twenty years. His family moved from England to The Gambia in a Land
>when him and his siblings were young, driving through the Sahara
>desert and
>all. But that’s another story. Sana Sabally gave back all the money
>he had.
>Turns out he’s a Cry-Baby contrary to the Tough Guy image he put on
>for the
>public. Sadibu played difficult, and I had to give him the Lt.
>Barrow and co
>treatment. Only out of compassion, we dumped his body at the Imam’s
>place in
>Dippa Kunda. Decent people don’t dump their dead former comrades in
>a pit
>latrine. We called his death Natural Causes by way of High Blood
>The Human Rights Policy has to be enforced!
>Then there was Ouman Koro Ceesay My Finance Minister. Well, Koro
>stepped on
>the wrong toes. Smart fellow that Koro, but he didn’t understand
>that I have
>a covenant with My cohorts Edward Singhateh and Yankuba Touray. They
>their weak spots. I have mine. I don’t mess with theirs as long as
>don’t mess with mine. Koro got on their wrong side. He should have
>handed them the money they wanted. I was myself in Arabia at the
>time, but
>My cohorts had to do what they had to do. Koro was butchered and
>burnt in
>his official Mercedes. When I came back, I went to see his people
>and cried
>my eyes out. Then I turned a deaf ear on those who said I should
>the killers. You got to turn a blind eye on some things. So I had it
>ways: Koro’s people feel I’m exonerated, and My cohorts will always
>be loyal
>to me because I hold a trump card against them in my hands. We have
>covenant you know. The Human Rights Policy has to be enforced!
>Because I was tired of all the talk about bringing back democracy,
>and I
>could use some money from the West, I said “no problem, let’s have
>election.” First people wanted to be empowered. I said no problem to
>too. I set up a National Consultative Committee. But most Gambians
>seem to realize who the real owner of this country is, because the
>of them want me to limit the Presidential Term to Two Five-Year
>terms. You
>see, Gambians like to over-step their boundaries. Ten Years, can you
>that? Now, who can run this country the way I do if I were to leave
>in ten
>years? This country will fall apart without me. All patriotic
>Gambians know
>that. So, because I love this country, and have sacrificed so much
>for her,
>I had to expunge Term Limits from the New and Improved Constitution.
>just so we don’t waste any time in the future worrying about lawyers
>greedy people, we had to indemnify ourselves against any lawsuits.
>decisions to eliminate people who are “threats to national security”
>are too
>sacrosanct to be second-guessed by anyone. Our job is to make
>decisions for
>Gambians, and theirs is to follow those decisions. No questions
>Relatives of our victims have to understand that whatever we did was
>out of
>love of country. They need to know that, it’s in their best
>interests that
>we kill, arrest, or torture their kin. You can’t find a more
>patriotic group
>of Gambians anywhere than us.
>We conducted a very clean, free, and fair election. The Opposition
>UDP had the wrong ideas though. They still do. They really believed
>could go anywhere they wanted, and criticize My Highness to canvass
>for themselves. I wonder where they got those ideas. Some people
>watch too
>much CNN and listen to the BBC too often for their own good. The
>weren’t meant to be like that. They were only supposed to go through
>motions. So, I had to teach them lessons. My boys went after them at
>Bridge. A whole truck load of them including pregnant women. It’s
>not my
>fault that some had a miscarriage, broken bones, or that some later
>died of
>their wounds. The best way to convince mouthy Gambian Opposition
>women to
>vote for you is to strip them naked, whip them with a cane, and
>force them
>to perform de-humanizing things.
>As for the men, let’s just say that the women were treated with
>gloves. But these UDP people don’t learn. Months after the election,
>forced My boys to give them a similar treatment again. How can you
>try to
>hold a Committee Meeting only months after a General Election? Don’t
>have anything else to do? Why do they have to even start thinking
>organizing to oppose My Highness when I had just formed a new
>government? I
>mean, it’s not like I tolerate corruption from everyone. Oh no,
>there’s only
>a select few that have that liberty in My country. God knows there
>hundreds of senior Civil Servants including Cabinet Ministers who
>can attest
>to that fact. Everybody knows his or her place in My government. The
>will do their part, and the baboons will do their part. So, we gave
>the UDP
>people what they asked for: treatment reserved for run-away slaves
>that get
>caught. They sent a video of their mutilated bodies all over the
>world, and
>thought something will come out of it. Well, I’m still here. The
>Rights Policy has to be enforced!
>I know I got a lot of flak last year for shooting down 14
>students. But you haven’t heard the whole story. You see, I have
>millions of Dalasi to Gambian students. Have you heard? Millions! No
>in African History has been more generous to students than Son
>Vans, scholarships, sponsored trips, cash money, name it, I gave
>them. But
>they listen to foolish people like the Opposition, and BBC, and
>Yeah Gambia-L, a group of burger-flipping ne’er do wells in America
>Europe who are jealous because I have what they can only dream
>about. Some
>of them have been away for 20 and 30 years, and don’t have anything
>to show
>for it. That’s why I don’t even pay heed to anything they say.
>Back to the students though, how can they betray me like that?
>They’re not
>supposed to launder My dirty linen in public. Imagine My Highness’
>embarrassment by all those World Leaders looking at me funny in Cuba
>they heard about demonstrating students in The Gambia. So, some of
>My boys
>raped a 14 year old school girl, and tortured another school boy to
>that’s not reason enough to demonstrate. Since I emerged in 1994 to
>save the
>country from the PPP, someone often gets killed in a violent way,
>almost every week. It’s not just My boys who do it always. Sometimes
>ordinary citizens against each other. I can’t help it that some
>people feel
>really frustrated by times to the point where they take it out on
>other. I was frustrated too when the PPP ruled. And don’t forget
>that I have
>let in tens of thousands of people from other West African
>countries. Maybe
>they’re teaching My subjects all this violence. So, what happened to
>the two
>young students is by no means extraordinary. It’s part of the new
>reality. Which is why I couldn’t believe they would demonstrate
>against My
>government so vehemently, for which reason I had to shoot them down.
>world wants me to put on a democracy face, and I did. Why should the
>students peel away that façade, exposing our situation for what it
>is? I can’t let them get away with that. We can’t be seen as weak.
>The Human
>Rights Policy has to be enforced!
>Because of that ruckus, some people thought they could criticize me
>and get
>away with it. They don’t know when not to say anything at all. My
>identified Dumo Saho, My Highness’ own guard Lt. Lalo Jaiteh, Lt.
>Darbo, and some civilians as troublemakers. My boys picked them up
>than a hungry eagle swoops down on a chick. I accused them of
>treason. I own
>a Radio and TV Station -did I tell you that? So, people will only
>hear what
>I want them to hear. They’re all in Quarter-Deck at Mile Two
>Prisons. A
>HellHole to them. A Safe House to me. You can’t empathize with
>parents when you’re held incommunicado in a rotten hellhole. My
>Enemies are
>challenging me to produce evidence, as if that is necessary. If I
>they’re guilty, they are.
>They say the Constitution says no one can be held more than 72 hours
>being charged with something. I wonder whom these people think they
>are? I
>dictated that Constitution. It is mine. It says only what I intend
>it to say
>–not what is written in it. Maybe some of My writers wrote the wrong
>in it. It’s too complex for me to understand. But the Constitution
>is only
>relevant as long as it serves My purpose. Any section, or clause
>contradicts what I want is null and void! Immediately. The
>Parliament? Ask
>any of those members who’s the boss. There’s nothing anyone can do
>Having being locked up for close to a year now and not being charged
>anything, Dumo Saho and co can attest to this fact. Dumo in
>thinks he can hide behind an NGO. Educating poor and desperate kids
>all over
>the country doesn’t qualify any Gambian to openly criticize My
>during sensitive times. A Hell-Hole is what you get for crossing me.
>I don’t
>spare the rod. I crack it even on My own people. Remember Lt.’s
>Manneh and Landing Sanneh? Well, those smart asses thought they
>could rip me
>off. How can you bullshit Mr. Bullshitter-In-Chief? Thought they
>could take
>My money and get away with it. They ought to have asked that
>first wife of mine Tuti Faal. When My boys were done with them,
>everyone who
>knew about the deal was either dead or in prison. I called it a
>Attempt.” I own a Radio and TV Station you know. And The Human
>Rights Policy
>has to be enforced!
>This is My Highness’ position on Human Rights.
>His Excellency, Rtd. Lt. Col, Alh., Dr., President-for-Life Yaya
>Abdul Azziz
>Jemus Junking Jammeh, GCRG, GCMG, Owner of The Gambia (running out
>of space
>–will give a more complete list next time.)
>PS: I’m not as wicked as they say. If I were, Lt. Paul Sambou would
>be dead
>by now. Everyone in the army and beyond knows he was fooling with My
>Matter of fact, he knocked her up, which was why My baby’s
>ceremony was uncharacteristically low-key. But what’s a woman
>between men in
>uniform? I just had him locked up in Solitary confinement for six
>months and
>let him go. Nowadays, he runs away as soon as he sees My Most-Pretty
>coming. That’s the spirit Humankind, one has to know one’s place.
>the Human Rights Policy has to be enforced!
>His Excellency, Rtd. Lt. Col, Alh., Dr., President-for-Life Yaya AJJ
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