As EBRIMA, you have a natural interest in the welfare of your fellow man,
and a desire to help and serve others in a humanitarian way. You are
responsible and generous, although somewhat scattering and disorganized at
times. Any jobs requiring systematic and conscientious effort, or
involving any form of drudgery, dismay you. In your work, you would seek a
position offering self-expression through contact with people, such as
sales or teaching, or a position giving scope to your creative, artistic
talents. You are good-natured and likeable, and people tend to confide in
you and seek your advice in personal problems. Others sense your sincere
interest and desire to help, and you can always be counted on to see the
bright side of any problem. You enjoy making others happy and you never
let your own problems "get you down" for any length of time, even though
you do tend to worry too much at times. Your optimism can be a source of
inspiration to others as well as yourself. In close personal relationships
you are usually thoughtful and considerate. However, your natural interest
in others, coupled with your sympathetic reaction to problems, could draw
you into emotional situations which may be difficult to get out of.

Health weakness would appear as skin conditions or ailments relative to
the liver. A tendency to overeat quick-energy foods aggravates any health
problems. (Asta-fulah, I think we shall leave the health issue out of it)

Your name of JOBE makes you quick-minded, versatile, and very expressive.
You are adaptable and creative in responding to new situations. This name
has given you an interest in people and a desire for new experiences. You
have the ability to create a favourable first impression, and so you could
do well in the fields of sales promotion or entertainment. The use of this
name creates a lack of stability in your affairs as it inclines you to
procrastinate. It spoils patience and weakens your stand in matters of
principle. You are inclined to do whatever is expedient in order to avoid
facing issues. You could suffer bitter experiences through attracting
wrong types of association and can be drawn into circumstances involving
you in unwise situations. Weakness in your health would come through
emotional disturbances and tension affecting the nervous system. Nervous
indigestion and disorders in the fluid functions could result.(o-:)

The above analysis describes a few qualities of your first name.
There are many additional factors (nicknames, last name, combined names,
legal name, business signature, and previous names) that create your
entire personality -- and your entire life!

If you want to know what your name signifies,go to this link below and type
your  first name. **Note: Not all names are in the database. Mine was there
but they basically said I'm screwed(o-:)LOL! Guess what? Yahya was in the
database. Type in Yahya in first name field and check male of course, but
if you curious, check female, hehehe! Have Phun with it.
                                                   Mr Makaveli.

PS: Please don't type George in there. Like I said, they pretty much said
it's a screwy name and that I'm always depressed. Quite the contrary.
Perhaps the reason I use Makaveli as pen name. Speaking of Makaveli, look
at what they say about him:

Your first name of Makaveli makes you a quick thinker, both philosophical
and creative. You appreciate music, art, and drama and, if given training,
could excel in those fields. Self-consciousness may prevent you from
feeling at ease in positions of impromptu expression. Desiring to be free
from detail and monotony, you find it difficult to finish what you start
if it does not hold your interest. You enjoy reading and the beauties of
nature, experiencing peace and relaxation in outdoor activities. A very
individual, independent person, you live within your own thoughts. With
acquaintances and strangers, you tend to be reticent and reserved. Your
friends never know whether they will find you friendly and charming or
lost in introspection. When unhappy or disappointed, you can be moody and
temperamental, feeling misunderstood and unappreciated. You will go out of
your way to help others, and find it difficult to say "no" and mean it.
Others impose on your generosity at times. You enjoy sweets and starchy
foods. Over-indulgence could cause a weak back, skin conditions or
arthritis later in life. The heart and lungs could also be affected at
stressful times.

BTW, the only thing i can attest to is this fact: You enjoy sweets and
starchy foods(I suppose they mean RICE-benachin.)lol!
Here's the link to the Kabalarian Philosophy website:


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