Daddy Sang wrote:

"the fact that Mr. Roberts moved the counting to 18 days is in no way
because the act have not taken place and if it took place, an evidence of
fraud must be determined to call it a crime. Gabbi Roberts's move is at
best confusing and at worse smelly. Unless the Gambia is highly
computerize, on the spot counting will never happened. Lets give officials
a chance to perform their duties,after which we can accuse them of whatever
base on their handling of affairs."

If I understand you correct, you want us to wait till Yahya steals the
elections before we accuse Gabriel Roberts of being Partial. Mr, Roberts was
accused of helping Yahya steal the elections in 1996, he gave his word that
counting would be on the spot then turned around and changed after Yahya
said that would never happen. He also said money was already allocated to
allow Gambians in the diaspora to vote just tell us in the last minute that
it was not feasible. Now his (IEC) unilateral decision to drastically reduce
counting centers is about to make it easy for Yahya to steal the elections
again. After the nominations last week, he went on national media to
announce that even though the opposition presented twice as many names as
APRC does not mean anything. It was also allege that the IEC assisted Yahya
in bringing a Senegalese Polling company to conduct a poll for Yahya.
This Mr. Roberts needs to be challenged/watched his is not trustworthy at
all(within the IEC context). He is to be watched closely NOW not after the
elections. If the opposition isn't  vigilant towards to the IEC, Yahya will
win, the votes will not tally, and no court will overturn Yahya's victory.
Mr. Robert's family will not like what some people will say about him, but
his actions speaks for themselves.


>From: Daddy Sang <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Gabriel Roberts wants to STEAL the Election
>Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 20:02:03 -0700
>Why do we have to label people with invectives such as vermin; the fact
>that Mr. Roberts moved the counting to 18 days is in no way criminal
>because the act have not taken place and if it took place, an evidence of
>fraud must be determined to call it a crime. Gabbi Roberts's move is at
>best confusing and at worse smelly. Unless the Gambia is highly
>computerize, on the spot counting will never happened. Lets give officials
>a chance to perform their duties,after which we can accuse them of whatever
>base on their handling of affairs. Intemperate language hauled at officials
>before an election does nothing but divide us. so people, lets be vigilant
>in our zeal for change but lets also be civil about it.
>Daddy Sang
> > [Original Message]
> > From: Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
> > To: <[log in to unmask]>
> > Date: 9/27/2001 6:58:58 AM
> > Subject: Gabriel Roberts wants to STEAL the Election
> >
> > Gabriel Roberts is really playing with fire. This is the most despicable
> > Gambian on earth. Worse than Yaya if you ask me. Roberts should have a
> > better sense of good and evil than Yaya. This man is ready to plunge our
> > nation into civil war because he does NOT have the guts to stand up and
> > what is right. I CANNOT believe to what lengths the vermin will go to
> > protect a child murderer. What is Gabriel Roberts prepared to do to
> > the elections for Yaya? Is this man ready to die for Yaya (a child
> > murderer)?
> >
> > Knowing full well that the APRC (as we speak) are training thugs to
> > ballot boxes, Gabriel Roberts is trying yet again to make it easier for
> > low-lives to steal the elections. Instead of counting the votes on the
> > Roberts decreed that there would be 42 counting centers at various
> > constituencies. Upon realizing that this gimmick was still NOT going to
> > his boss (Yaya), Roberts is now reducing the ‘counting centers’ to 18.
> > figures that it would be easier to tamper with the ballots if they are
> > moved to 18 centers rather than 42 centers. And Roberts gives no logical
> > explanation for this criminal and unpatriotic behavior. He is simply
> > his personal interests and that of Yaya in front of the Gambian people.
> > Gabriel Roberts is frantically trying to thwart the will of the Gambian
> > people.
> >
> > When he went against HIS WORD he gave to the different Parties that
> > would be counting on the spot on election day, I cried foul. The man is
> > coward and a pathological liar. He promised the Parties that there would
> > counting on the spot. When Yaya and his cohorts confronted him and told
> > that they will NOT be able to steal ballots if there is counting on the
> > spot, Roberts made a drastic U-turn from his earlier promise. Without
> > or rhythm, the vermin DECREED that there would be only 42 counting
> > Now the man is going to 18. As it becomes more and more evident that the
> > Gambian people have REPUDIATED Yaya, Gabriel Roberts will reduce the
> > counting centers further or try other gimmicks to steal the election for
> > boss.
> >
> > As I counseled the Opposition when the vermin VETOED the on-the-spot
> > counting, I respectfully counsel our leaders on the ground to stand firm
> > against this Philistine (Gabriel Roberts). We MUST NOT let Gabriel
> > help Yaya steal this election. The man has to be taken to task. All this
> > talk about funding of counting center personnel is just a smokescreen
> > excuses from the low-life). Where is APRC getting all those new vehicles
> > their campaigns and the hundreds of thousands of dalasis Yaya is using
> > induce people to vote for him? The money to fund the elections was
> > for long time ago in Famara Jatta’s budget; or so they told the
> > international community. All of a sudden, Gabriel Roberts wants to tell
> > that he CANNOT oversee a TRANSPARENT election because there is no money.
> > What is going to happen next? Is the vermin going to unilaterally
> > the elections?
> >
> > Gabriel Roberts has less power than he thinks. People should come out in
> > their tens of thousands in Banjul and the environs to show Gabriel
> > that we will NOT allow him to steal the elections. The only reason
> > running now is because Gabriel Roberts and Yaya saw the thousands of
> > that accompanied Darboe on nomination day and the vermin know that
> > are no longer prepared to let Yaya hold them hostage. This is another
> > by Gabriel Roberts. He is merely testing the waters. He tried 42
> > When he realized that he could get away with that, he decreed 18
> > The bottom-line is that the Opposition should be 100% certain that this
> > election will NOT be stolen. The Opposition has to be absolutely sure
> > the ballots are NOT tampered with as they are moved from polling
> > counting centers. I hope the people realize that the less counting
> > we have, the more ballots we have to move from point to point. Dare I
> > who is supervising the transportation of these ballots? What will happen
> > the ballot convoys are ambushed by APRC thugs? Vermin like Roberts are
> > paralyzed with fear that he CANNOT think straight. Do NOT negotiate with
> > him. The man CANNOT keep his word. Yaya is playing him like a yo-yo.
> > election is the ONLY chance the country has to effect a peaceful change
> > the country. We must NOT let vermin like Gabriel Roberts plunge the
> > into civil war.
> > KB
> >
> >
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