Hamza, there you go again.

You have indicated that you are a lone ranger at least where your commentary (without value-analysis) is concerned, and I accept that. It is in this spirit of pseudo-pioneerism that I vet your presentation of prodigious quantities of useless information.

Someone from the UN offers a trend of Gambia's rapid urbanisation as an indicator of world development or may be the report writer associated Gambia's apparent squatter camps and sand castles with development. Did it ever occur to you that maybe the report writer was mistaken in this association? Ask yourself and enlighten us of what development is? Therin will be the analysis part of your commentary. You have denied yourself valuable PDOIS education and chose instead to be a lone ranger. If you cite a report, I would think you agree with its underlying tenets and all references made therein absent sincere value-added analysis. The rest of us might be better served if those reports were left alone for us to read and qualify. Accord us that courtesy. You cited the report inorder to nullify PDOIS' work in the areas of Agriculture and horticulture. I'm sure you understand that folk maintain flower and vegetable gardens in their urban backyards. Make use of that caveat and entreat us to your wonderful ability to read and understand reports and apply them to Gambia's daily problems and industry instead of discourage useful efforts at reversing useless trends.

Hamza, you have told us how Gambia is frighteningly urbanising, or at least you cite a UN report and packaged it in a way to repudiate PDOIS' efforts. For your information, most of the dwellers in this apparently new world phenomenon that is Gambia's maddeningly rapid urbnisation, were at one time engaged in productive life in the provinces or outlying areas. They flock to the urban areas in search of the finer things in life like you. Ask yourself - are you gainfully employed? are they gainfully employed? who fills the maddeningly increasing void they left behind? If you were able, would you assist in creating employment for them? would you facilitate their participation in their industry of choice? or would you retire into passivity and mintreldom? PDOIS is doing something about it. would you do something else if you disagree with PDOIS' approach or are you comfortable just highlighting PDOIS' shortcomings? don't turn this into a personal war of words. Laissez faire.Ne critique pas les autres sans offrant une meilleure solution. You know I don't have time for pettiness. As your friend Dampha suggests, we have bigger fish to boil.Every one must contribute to the mata or keringe. Hai's about it?

Repent Hamjatta, for the lord is most merciful. His wrath is equally maligning.

>From: Hamjatta Kanteh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Gambia's Urbanisation
>Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 11:53:48 EDT
>In a message dated 07/10/2001 03:04:36 GMT Daylight Time, [log in to unmask]
> > << In your narratives, Hamjatta, you fail to pause and reflect on the value
> > of your commentary. You have allowed yourself to be spoon-fed by reports,
> > prose and poetry, without the requisite analysis and proper assignment of
> > the merits of fathoms of otherwise valuable information. >>
>I fail to see which Report you keep referring me back to. I only made mention
>of just one Report and this was the 2000 World Development Indicators
>published by the UN, which is available at any good library or bookshop. So
>there is no obscure Report here. The Report was merely cited to make the
>point that in fact the Gambia is on the threshold of full-blown urbanity.
>You also insidiously made references to me being spoon-fed, without so much
>as indicating as to who is doing the spoon-feeding. I interpret and indeed
>see this as an assault on my integrity. If you can't provide evidence as to
>this being the case, then in the name of decency and mutual respect, i'm
>demanding a retract of the said offending remarks.
>I think it is about time you get it that this is impersonal and there is
>definitely no need for us to sink to the level where we would unfairly be
>seeking to assault each other's integrity - be it insidiously or otherwise.
>As i keep saying, i'm an independent supporter of the Alliance and what i do
>here doesn't have the backing of anyone in the scheme of Alliance politics. I
>hope you get it right this time.
>All the best,
>Hamjatta Kanteh
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>at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html

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