
You and your source are all liers. All what you are saying are all not true. Yaya is already finished. Before telling the people the burning of Tombong Jatta's compound, what happen first. Can you compare the live of Ousman Ceesay (who was diliberately shot by a soldier) with that foolish compound. We are telling you that we will not allow the APRC to steal this election come tomorrow.

Can you tell me something about the 30,000 Cassamance voters at Brikama college. Boy know that this time around fire will only be met with fire.

Paco Ahmed.

>From: Ousman Jallow Bojang <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 17:59:50 EDT
>The Email below also came from my source on the grounds. As always, I
>promised him/her not to publish the name.
>Ousman Jallow Bojang.
>Thanks for that forward, and I must tell you that I am glad that you were
>able to do it without my name. That was a sigh of relieve. I have read some
>of the postings against what I sent you. I will try to reply to them one by
>one. I am very busy now, but I am sure come THURSDAY, they will answer
>themselves. As the saying goes, "time is the best Prophet."
>As I am writing, there is another arson. I am unable to go to the scene yet,
>but I have just confirmed that the Compound of an APRC MP of Serrekunda is on
>fire. I can hear the Fire Service sirens as I write.
>Ous, yesterday I had a deep chat with someone who is right inside the
>UDP/PPP/GPP camp.I posed as a staunch supporter, therefore the fellow went on
>pouring out all their cheap strategies. We met at Albasha restaurant right at
>the corner adjacent to kairaba hotel. You would not believe what he said they
>intend to do now against November or so. In fact, he was trying to recruit me
>to join them.
>Ous I was made to understand by this guy that all these negative headings
>being displayed by some of the News Papers are being copied and kept by these
>These are the articles that people like Dr.Manneh would be using to refresh
>their asylum documents. That can be the only possible way they can justify to
>Londoners and the Americans that they deserve being received once again. It
>may however be very difficult for them to convince those people. In the first
>place, how could they have come back to campaign if they were genuine asylum
>Another interesting development is that I learnt from another source that
>Saikou Sabally,Saara Janha,BB Darboe and Jawara are believed to be trying to
>some Gambian dissidents for a fatal come back.These dissidents are composed
>of some ex-army officers particularly those who were behind the November 11
>attack. Some are also believed to be those currently in Liberia or even
>ex-Gambian-Liberian mercenaries who sometimes shuttle between the Gambia and
>These are really desperate attempts by Saihou Sabally. Its widely believed
>that Sabally and Alhaji Kanteh the former commissioner of NBD are working very
>closely along those lines in Dakar.
>Please do not be panicked because those that they intend to use against the
>current regime are the ones who reveal all their secret plans to the
>intelligence service. That is the reason why Darbo jumped on what he called
>false rumors of a coup. Ous count on me because these are not rumors they are
>true stories. These
>people with all the threats and insults know that Jammeh's gvt. is very
>strong security wise. They are also aware that they won't succeed that's why
>they are calling for the next step i.e.: to publicize the issue in order to
>be able to escape being arrested. The
>Jammeh regime will never react to that at this 11th. hour! These people have
>bought machetes and other small arms ready to disturb the peace if they lose
>and they will lose. Without doubt the APRC gvt. will counter any challenge
>that's geared towards inciting civil disorder with drastic measures. Make no
>mistake about that.
>In fact these people will be surprised to know that Jammeh's people are more
>sophisticated than they estimate. Some keep on rambling on the L- that these
>guys are morons and so on but that's different from how these boys operate.
>Of late we have heard that Chongan has become a moderator on the L-, but do
>not mind them they are all behind the scenes. A strong network under the
>control of another
>person (nationality withheld because he is a westerner based in London
>itself) is monitoring these people. They will be surprised one day; just
>wait. They do not have any external backing as they pretend they do. The only
>way they are ready to operate is by sending in some rotten elements in the
>Gambia to start a small riot and the rest will be burning houses and so on.
>From there they will start mobilizing their people on the phone to boil more
>problems. These people are so desperate to come back to the state house that
>they can no longer listen to any reason whether plausible or not.
>I will give you more on their movements as time goes on. However, Jammeh's
>people are so ready that they will shoot at anything suspicious around them.
>Let no one think that he or she can politicize the army by quoting archaic
>constitutions for us please.
>The army is under one command and they will see if they try. The state guard
>is one of the most heavily armed in this sub region so make no mistake
>brother we are
>ready for anything and when we win we will celebrate till day break.
>I will wait for THURSDAY before replying to any of those or subsequent
>To view archives of postings, go to the Gambia-L Web interface
>at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html

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