On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:42:02 -0500, momodou olly-mboge
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

><html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
><P>ignore the garbage from our Gamtel manager luxuriating in England at
present courtesy of the Gambian taxpayer.&nbsp; His political punditry is
nothing but creepy crap.&nbsp; He&nbsp;is a certified distortionist whose
sophistry is naked and blatantly disgusting.</P></DIV>
><P>What&nbsp; does he know about Sir Winston Churchill?&nbsp; Who is
talking about forced changed in the Gambia?&nbsp; If anything, it was Jammeh
and his entourage of low-lives and thieves who forced and bullied their way
to power in the Gambia.&nbsp; It was Jammeh who said he was a soldier with a
difference and that he was too good to be a politician.&nbsp; Yet 7 years on
the imbecillic buffoon&nbsp;has&nbsp;scared&nbsp;the&nbsp;hell out the
ordinary&nbsp;Gambian people to remain in power.&nbsp; As we all know
genuine change is not easily attained, it is something people fight and die
for.&nbsp; It is time for Gambians, as my friend Haruna Darboe observed to
sacrifice and struggle for genuine democracy and development.</P>
><P>Yus, Mr Jungle Sunset is a posturing intellectual drone and does not
worth your&nbsp; response.&nbsp; Please use your valuable time and keep
addressing your insightful thoughts to those of us who are not blind to
genuine&nbsp;progress.&nbsp; These <EM>ALES </EM>sufferers should be helped
to die a quick dead.</P>
><P>Jungle Sunset and Tombong should be ashame of their sycophancy.&nbsp; I
just hope the former would get it in his skull that even kids know that
democratic change is a&nbsp;process and that participants should&nbsp;engage
each other in good faith in an ideal world.&nbsp;Jammeh and his cohorts are
unscrupulous dim-wits who have no semblance&nbsp;of decency
or&nbsp;civility.&nbsp;&nbsp;Why is Mr Jungle Sunset bend on spinning
Yahya's despicable record? It is really exasperating but not surprising
coming from someone exhibiting psychotic tendencies.</P>
><P>Mr Pa Modou Gassama please spare us your droopiness.</P>
><DIV></DIV>&gt;From: Jungle Sunrise <[log in to unmask]>
><DIV></DIV>&gt;Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
<[log in to unmask]>
><DIV></DIV>&gt;To: [log in to unmask]
><DIV></DIV>&gt;Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:44:01 +0000
><DIV></DIV>&gt;Yus, better late than never. Brinkmanship and intransigence
><DIV></DIV>&gt;nothing. Some of you have done your worst and what has it
got you?
><DIV></DIV>&gt;The majority of Gambians living this hell you paint have
><DIV></DIV>&gt;YES to it. Don't pretend to be speaking to the farmer. He is
><DIV></DIV>&gt;the life
><DIV></DIV>&gt;you are trying to paint here and he knows much more than
><DIV></DIV>&gt;If you really care about things back home, the best you can
do is to
><DIV></DIV>&gt;encourage every little step towards creating a Gambia that
we all
><DIV></DIV>&gt;yearn for.
><DIV></DIV>&gt;Change is a process and not an event. It has to be managed
><DIV></DIV>&gt;accepted by
><DIV></DIV>&gt;all to be effective. You cannot force change, Yus. Remeber
Jaw, Jaw,
><DIV></DIV>&gt;Jaw is
><DIV></DIV>&gt;better than War, War, War! - Sir Winston Churchill.
><DIV></DIV>&gt;Have a good day, Gassa.
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;From: Y C Jow <[log in to unmask]>
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;<[log in to unmask]>
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;To: [log in to unmask]
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 18:01:56 EDT
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;Dear Lers:
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;I know that per Gambian traditions where elders seem to
have the
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;rule of
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;roost which cannot be questioned by the younger ones
like some of
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;us, but I
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;would like to add my voice to this call for
reconciliation by the
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;In my estimation, that those who truly seek the truth
and have no
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;fear in
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;fighting against injustice wherever it might be, should
reject the
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;branch unconditionally.
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;Let us not forget that this regime has murdered and
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;overthrew a
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;legitimate government, subverted the judiciary, detained
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;without due
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;process for long periods and sometimes indefinite
periods of time,
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;our future (the school kids), looted our coffers in
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;daylights, set up
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;system where the underhanded dealings between government
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;and rich
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;businessmen only make the average Gambian poorer, raped
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;farmers, ruined our education system, embarked on
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;projects at the expense of our economy and so on, etc.,
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;In this light, this government-despite the election
triumph --
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;should never
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;be seen as a legal or competent one. Yes, some might say
that the
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;only way
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;to turn things around is to negotiate with them and
hence accept
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;the olive
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;branch with conditions that they improve their
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;However, if we
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;accept this, then we might as well accept all the
illegal regimes
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;in the
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;We should NEVER settle for the mediocrity we have now.
If we
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;accept their
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;branch in good faith, then we might as well continue the
culture of
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;faire' and mediocrity which has been the Achilles heel
of our
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;nation from
><DIV></DIV>&gt;&gt;day we achieved independence.
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