  I done told you people I'm taking a long hiatus but you just can't let
a brother catch some sleep, can you? It's not enough that you lot know my
heart is broken, so you come here and question our competent list managers'
integrity while you as the 'Directeur Generale de GRTS' have your hands
full with your own shortcomings, mismanagement so gross it will take me
gazillion pages to list here. So why the double standard, Tombong? You
could have simply made your inquiry without dragging Makaveli into this.
But I guessed you wanted to make a point. Well, don't get it twisted again.

Before you lot came here with that stupid 'Olive Branch Crap', it was I who
unwittingly suggested that List Managers might want to reconsider Mr Matarr
Njie's re-subcription since we were all seemingly in this 'Moving on'
business. I said then, I was concerned with the brother's mental state but
hope that he is nevertheless not bitter now that you lot have woefully
concocted what is seemingly a victory in the Oct 19 Elections.

As for Matarr Njie, the wounds may heal but the scars would never go away,
but as far as I'm concern, his overtly vehement denunciations towards
those with opposing views as well his trademark insults will always follow
him wherever he goes. If it wasn't for my concern about his mental
condition, I could care less about him resurfacing on the L. I have no
problem whatsoever with you campaigning for Matarr so long as you leave
Makaveli out of it.

FYI, not only did Makeveli requested to be re-subscribed, he emphatically
told the entire jury on this tribunal of public opinion( The Gambia-L) his
motive for his actions, he also painstakingly swallowed his pride and
apologized to the victim(s) whose blood pressure he might have skyrocketted
in the process. Mr Makaveli's entire deposition - the CAT totally wrapped
in a bag - is right here in the G_L archives for you to revisit. So just
don't push it Tombong, because as you know Matarr has NOT yet made any
apologies or show any resentment, neither privately nor publicly, yet here
we have Tombong making all this noise with his archetypical, now patented,
Pecksniffian bickering. Give us a damned break! Olive branch my foot! Try free Dumo et al, you incompetent buffoon!

Don't you lot have any work to attend to? I hope you lot take advantage of
this benign neglect poor uneducated and politically disenfranchised voters
have given you lot and try to regain the confidence of those in the growing
opposition, because five years goes pretty quick and so starting off with
your usual uncouth tactics is NOT a step in the right direction. Tell your
boss that all Gambia and it's people want is for you lot to do your damned
jobs and stop killing innocent people. Because look, nothing last forever
and in the end, good will prevail over evil.

I hope you're taking heed of what everyone is trying to put into that thick
skull. Those who tell you the truth are not necessarily your enemy, so
be mindful of those Crocs and green Snakes in your lot. That's it. I'm
finished with this crap. You guys are grown-ups anyway. I'm going back to
sleep. But just pretend I'm NOT, got it?

Still Heartbroken,
Mr Makaveli (o-:)

PS: Why did they vote for this man, why?

BTW, Tombong, no one could have banned Mr Makaveli for good from this list
if he wanted to, so give credit where credit is due and remember that $#!t.
List managers knew it would have been counterproductive because it'd be
like trying to chase a ghost.Besides, censorship is billion dollar business
not to mention how discomforting it is for others to lose the little left
with their most cherished civil liberties at the expense of a small number
of concomitant violators. Besides my stance on justice for all people,this
besetting reality on cyber forums worldwide, is the crux of my asking List
managers to give Mr Matarr Njie another shot on this List. Nothing else.
And they listened, after many have spoken on the issue. Now,it is entirely
up to Matarr Njie whether he choosesto apologize(like most of us did) or

From: Momodou Camara <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Moving on ...... goodbye!
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Oct 23, 2001

On 23 Oct 2001, at 4:28, TOMBONG SAIDY wrote:

> Mr. Jaiteh,
> Did Jow resquested to be re-subscribed? or better yet did Makevelli
> requested to be re-subscribed. He has been unjustly kept out of the list for
> far too long and he needs to be re-subscribed. Whether it is a request from
> him or not does not matter. All I know is that he is ready and willing to be
> part the debate on the L.

Gambians Online " Designed With The Gambian People In Mind"


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