Elhadj,                                                        To tell you
the truth...i couldn't have been jealous to a person i didn't know except if
i had some extra sensory perception! How could the Jammeh-led team envy a
team of mucisians when there were other "kujalis" on the plate that we
didn't even pay attention to?

Fye the unfortunate part of the defensive strategy you are pushing here is
that,its very weak! Why is it so...?

1/Because of the fact that all those you asked me to consult for thorough
verifications,were people who benefitted from you(according to your bluffy
presentation).So if they received some green notes as students,friends and
whatever,what is the guarantee that they will be impartial if asked to
narrate anything vis-a-vis the Ex Libidor Jazz band saga?
Quoting "our" Dr.Gassama is a cheap way of trying to point fingers at
someone within.Dr.Gassama was a student at that time and i doubt if he AND
jammeh knew each other by then? That apart its only DR.GASSAMA that you can
refer to therein as a present APRC minister!
Your business failed before 1994! For sure it did! Your article has
testified that quite clearly!

Fye,i wouldn't venture saying anything here because i do not want to be so
personal.This was just a warning to let you know that you guy's do not
monopolise information pertaining to contemporary Gambia and beyond.

Fye if you agree lets leave the sleeping puppies lie as far as the libidor
case is concerned,however, if u so wish i can do what you said.Ie: by
getting in touch with imam Baba Lee(by the way be informed that Baba has
protested officially for his family name to be henceforth spelt by all as
per the latter shows herein LEE AND NOT LEIGH),Dr.Gassama et al to hear
their version before giving mine.I heard mine from a european and not a
gambian! So get ready for the turbulence if you do not wish to use a

Good day Elhadj and i would say:"jam som".


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