Hello Buharry,

Thanks for this masterpiece! Such can come only from the mind of someone
who thinks for himself and does not swallow, without chewing, all the
garbage being spewed daily by supposedly "civilised" people who constantly
behave more uncivilised than the supposedly "uncivilised". The hypocrisy
you highlighted here, to which you have also given numerous examples, is
evident down to even our individual and group relationships and seems to
have assumed endemic proportions, with those constantly professing fear of
God being the most hypocritical of all.

It seems as if it was only yesterday when noble men like Mandela were
branded terrorists by these same supposedly civilised people whiles sucking
the blood of innocent Africans. Barely weeks before September 11th, there
was this racism conference in South Africa and the "West" with Uncle Sam at
the forefront refused to even attend if they could not dictate what was to
be on the agenda - not to talk of apologising for the wrongs comitted
especially against Blacks over the centuries. Yes, for them we are less
than even toilet paper. Africans continue to die even today on a daily
basis because of U.S policies of both yesterday and today. God bless you!




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