Has Sheriff Dibba Joined the APRC?

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The Daily Observer (Banjul)

November 26, 2001
Posted to the web November 26, 2001

Augustus Mendy

The leader of the National Convention Party, Sheriff Mustapha Dibba, has
disclosed that the NCP might participate in the next National Assembly
elections in collaboration with other parties.

Speaking to journalists last Thursday after an audience with President
Jammeh on the resolution of his party ahead of the forthcoming National
Assembly elections, Mr Dibba said that his party's membership was in the
process of taking decision on the matter.

"In politics nothing is static, we are considering the matter and it is even
possible we might do it in collaboration with other parties."

Asked whether he would do it with the APRC, Mr Dibba noted that it could be
possible "if that is what the membership of the party wants."

Commenting on the purpose of his visit, Mr Dibba asserted that he had come
to formally repeat his congratulation to the president on his resounding
victory. "This election has contributed a lot towards the strengthening of
the country's democratic process. I have contested many elections in this
country but it is with great pleasure to say that I have never contested an
election that was as free, fair and transparent as this one," the veteran
politician said.

"If there were any irregularities, they were very minor and could not have
affected the overall results of the election. I have never seen any sign of
intimidation anywhere, people voted on their own volition and they have
given a verdict that nobody can dispute," he posited.

Mr Dibba stressed his party's readiness to assist the government in anyway.
"If we can help in anyway to support the government in its efforts to
develop this country we will definitely do so," he said.

Quizzed on whether his visit was an indication that his party was about to
join the APRC, Mr Dibba answered in the negative but pointed out "I think it
is my duty to congratulate him for he is the president of all and not one
section of the country especially when we are satisfied that the people have
spoken and they have confidence in him. He is the president for the next
five years, so nobody can dispute that," he said.

In a related development, President Jammeh last Friday distributed thousands
of bags of sugar and rice to the Gambian people. Speaking to journalists at
the handing over ceremony President Jammeh called on well-to-do Gambians to
share with their less fortunate compatriots.

In receiving the donation, heads of the respective beneficiaries thanked
President Jammeh for his kind gesture and promised a fair distribution.

Present at the ceremony were secretaries of state, security chiefs,
commissioners and other senior government officials.

2nd Article

Opposition Leader Calls On President Jammeh

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Gambia Radio & TV News (Banjul)

November 23, 2001
Posted to the web November 26, 2001

Omar Sallah
State House

The leader of the National Convention Party Sheriff Mustapha Dibba yesterday
paid a courtesy call on the President Alhaji Yahya Jammeh at State House.

Speaking to reporters after his audience with the President, Mr. Dibba said
that his visit to State House was to formally reiterated congratulations to
President Jammeh on his resounding victory in the October Presidential
elections. Mr. Dibba told reporters that the elections were free and fair
and had contributed to the strengthening of democratic process in the
Gambia. He said that if there were any irregularities, it would be very
minor that it could not have affected the overall results of the elections.

The NCP leader expressed satisfaction over the manner in which elections
were conducted. Mr. Dibba pointed out that even though if he had said during
the campaign that he would never join the ranks of the APRC, he noted that
it is the verdict of the people that matters and that he and his party has
accepted it. He also said that the NCP is ready to work with government in
order to achieve the common aim of developing the Gambia.

Commenting on the forthcoming National Assembly elections, Mr. Dibba said
his party is considering contesting the polls, noting that it is possible
for the NCP to collaborate with other parties including the APRC based on
the consent of the membership of his party. In another engagement yesterday,
the President Alhaji Yahya Jammeh donated several bags of rice and sugar to
various administrative divisions, the civil service and the security forces.

Speaking at the handing over ceremony, President Jammeh said the gesture was
in line with the spirit of sharing with the poor and challenged other
Gambians to emulate the bright example.

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