Bamba Laye,

I later realised we intend the same self-evident truths. I apologise if I sounded condescending in my mail. Let's just say your mail and mine are intended for the same recipient.

Thanks for the understanding. I didn't read the last phrase. I now submit that you know the context and understand Islam.

>From: Bamba Laye <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [log in to unmask]>>: Words like "Jammehs' Prostitutes", "APRC Clowns" - A Ramadan Appeal
>Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 10:52:03 -0500
>Dear Sister,
>4:142 "The Hypocrites - they think they are over-reaching Allah, but He
>will over- reach them: When they stand up to prayer, they stand without
>earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in
>remembrance;" (Sura - Al-Nisa)
>9:67 "The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding) with each
>other: They enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and are close with their
>hands. They have forgotten Allah. so He hath forgotten them. Verily the
>Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse." (Sura At - Tauba)
>29:11 "And Allah most certainly knows those who believe, and as certainly
>those who are Hypocrites." (Al' - Ankabut)
>Here! Take this to your boss:
>pros·ti·tute (prst-tt, -tyt)
>One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.
>One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose.
>tr.v. pros·ti·tut·ed, pros·ti·tut·ing, pros·ti·tutes
>To offer (oneself or another) for sexual hire.
>To sell (oneself or one's talent, for example) for an unworthy purpose.
>[Latin prstitta, from feminine past participle of prstituere, to
>prostitute : pr-, in front; see pro-1 + statuere, to cause to stand; see
>st- in Indo-European Roots.]
>prosti·tutor n.
>Pronunciation Key
>Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth
>Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
>Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
>prostitute \Pros"ti*tute\, n. [L. prostituta.] 1. A woman giver to
>indiscriminate lewdness; a strumpet; a harlot.
>2. A base hireling; a mercenary; one who offers himself to infamous
>employments for hire.
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