
I really do not understand the rancour you exhibited in your posting. I merely stated facts for you and you let loose on me. Please do not think that I will emulate you on that. You accused me of being jealous of you. How could I be when I don't even know you personally. Well, in my understanding bootlicking is nothing to be jealous of. One does not need a qualification to pursue that profession. From the things you have written about me, you evidently do not know me and to be honest, I do not know you either.

One thing is certain here I am who I said I am. My name is Prince Coker and my email address bears my full name. You are called yourself Yero Mama and using the email address of Paul Gomez, while your real name is Essa Bokary Sey. Who is deceptive here?  You wrote that I advised members of Gambia-L to use their delete button on your postings. Well, I think that is an untruth, because I have no desire or command to influence the interests of Gambia-L members. I neither control the capacity of their disk space nor do I tell them who to read and who not.

You said in your piece that I hate you. Why would I hate you? You are Gambian like me. We all want what is good for our country, only our methods of achieving that is different and that should not cause any hatred. Tombong Saidy, like you, is a staunch supporter of  the Jammeh regime but I "vous" with him everyday when I am in the Gambia. All we do is argue in peace and then disperse. There is no hatred in that.

Finally Essa, do not think that I bought my computer to sit down all day waiting for a posting to reply to. Apart from being a subscriber of other forums than Gambia-L, I have more other pressing things to do than that.



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