I was sitting here chuckling at Yus' comments. He always cracks me up. As I was reading, I was thinking of the Mullahs with their Kurus walking around soliloquizing.
Anyway, I tend to think as Mariatou did that the good nurse may have meant a 60% increase in Nutcases (it's not really funny) than that Mariatou may talk to herself at times (just kidding Mariatou).
Anywho, as we say here in Sasketchuan, It would not be alarming given the APRC. This statistic therefore, if true, is an abberation in the subregion and I submit it is also temporary pending the discreet retirement of APRC. Frankly I think they form the majority of the statistic. And Mariatou I don't want to hear you about coming together and loving one another yadi, yadi, yadi.

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