I just wish to completely identify myself with your views but i have nearly
lost count of the number of fence-sitting chameleons or 'hippo-crites' that
have been unmasked on the L during this blesssed Ramadan. I mean Fakery Ebou
et al.
What a revealing month!

The yoke of oppression must be shattered!

Happy Eid to all and no hard feelings to anyone, just the reality.


>Mr. Chameleon pseudo-political analyst, keep burying your head in the sand,
>by acting as a SPIN Doctor for Jammeh and his cronies. Guess, Ramadan
>be observed everyday from now on, this way, all the FAKE and PHONY
>amongst us will surface with their true colors, as Ebou Jallow, Martin
>King Jarjusey and more few more are doing. IT'S PRINCIPLES, STUPID!
>Of all people, you are one that should be on mute control, cos' of your
>record with the Jammeh regime [Snitch] and dealing[s] in NC with Gambians.
>had our exchanges before and I've always had this eerie feeling on your
>dubious stance on Jammeh.

>PS: this is not an attack, but the gospel truth.
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