>From: "Ebrima Lamin George \"MamBeram\"" <[log in to unmask]>

"Abu Sayeed Khudri transmits that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) stated: Whoever observed a supererogatory fast for one day during Holy War, Allah will keep him away from Hell at a distance of seventy years of travelling (Transmitted by Bukhari and Muslim)."

Does the above apply to the wars of expansion and genocide carried out by racist non-african`"muslims" in their centuries of wars in africa ?

.it is important to understand that in the history of wars called islamic holy wars in african the first and most inhuman genocide in human history was committeed.the african population from mauritania to egypt was almost wiped out during this period of the most destructive so-called asian-islamic wave expansion.this period coincided with the first greatest human genocide of hundreds of millions of africans

How can people who committed  crimes against humanity be pardoned and go to heaven even if they fasted?

How can african muslins fail to understand the racist justifications of these so called false  muslims racist theoriticians?

Is it not time for african muslims and christians to study and expose the ideology of slavery and racism desguised in these so called religious explanations?

thank you

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