Jabou, Sillah and Kanteh,

Sorry to clog your mail-box but i just wanted to remind you guys that Pa Modou Gassama is inebriated with an incurable distorted world view that however plain and naked the truth is he will do all he can to spin and twist it.  Just compare Sillah's objective analysis concerning the development of press freedom with the last seven years his rather ridiculous and silly  interpretation of the issue:

Sillah wrote:

"you have to understand that the so-called freedom of the media that you always talk about here came about not thanks to anybody's benevolence but our resilience as a group of dedicated professionals who dared the hot, the cold, the cells and the electric wares to get where are ath the moment".

Anybody cognizant of the reality will accept the above statement is the utmost truth concerning media development in last 7 years.  Only pickle-headed drones like Pa Modou Gassama will believe otherwise as confirmed in this following statement written by him:

Gassa wrote

" Mr Sillah, the fact that people like you are risking your security and reporting the news as you see fit, despite all the alleged harassment, is clear testimony to the development of the private media during the past seven years.  Unless you are in denial, you will agree with me that some of the articles being published to would have landed many a journalist in jail during the PPP era." 

No comment on such trash coming from some dead-wood like Gassa.

Mr Kanteh thanks for rescuing me from the "Madness of our wise intellectual Mr Pa Modou Gassama" with this observation of yours:

"GASSA, The ills and mistakes of yester years are nothing but lessons for wise inheritors of today and tomorrow BUT will never suffice as justifications for the ills, mistakes and flagrant abuses of the present nor the future."

Happy New Year,




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