He is getting old and tired. There is not much to show for his presence here on earth. He is tired of waiting for his turn to steal. He is afraid death might put him out of his misery. These are not traits of a leader. They are those of a thief. simple. The pretences during the PPP regime, of an incorruptible NCP chairman were pleading from a decrepit loser. circumstance's outed leach. Thank God he is finally coming out. I have always sensed sleeze and slime in him. All of Baddibu weeps for her "favorite" son.

>From: [log in to unmask]
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re-Constructive Engagement.
>Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 20:22:30 EST
>Baloney! I have never heard this kind of absurd rationalization on this list.
>If you ever wondered why our festering national problems keep getting worse,
>look no further than the kind of prattle that Jassey -Conteh is presenting as
>a serious document. It is one thing for sycophants who are to some extent
>invested in this murderous regime to be filling our mail boxes with fleeting
>and nonsensical diatribes, but quite another to have a self described critic
>of that same regime to summarily discard all of the vicious crimes of the
>Jammeh regime and attempt to feed us with a canard clumsily packaged as a
>courageous decision. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what
>political route Mr Dibba or Mr Conteh choose because they bring no additional
>intrinsic value to the overall political process. In a strange way the
>attitudes manifested by both tells me they are right at home with the Jammeh
>crowd. What we are witnessing from these people is a rather base attempt at
>mollification because jumping into bed with a creul regime that has murdered
>innocent Gambians is not easy even for folks who may be morally bankrupt but
>still profess to be religious adherents. Therein lies all the silly attempts
>at describing the pending marriage with the devil as being be driven by the
>quest for 'national development.' None of them gives a hoot about that
>country, and they will posture, scheme and obfuscate to secure a place in
>this wicked regime even if Yahya Jammeh lines up his innocent victims at
>Mccarthy Square and slaughters them. In that case we can count on Mr Dibba to
>say he only went along with the massacre because raising any objection would
>have meant even more death. If you think this scenario is far-fetched, Mr
>Dibba was quoted as telling the family of a prominent deceased supporter of
>his in Nuimi during the past elections that he did not come to his funeral
>prior to the lifting of the ban because he felt the government would perceive
>a condolence visit as threatening national security! The man is an utter
>disgrace. No amount of rationalization can obscure that.
>To view archives of postings, go to the Gambia-L Web interface
>at: http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/gambia-l.html
>To contact the List Management, please send an e-mail to:
>[log in to unmask]

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