i have nothing to discuss with a twerp exhibiting a fatuous reasoning.

Reading through your piece yet again confirms to me your dishonest and distortionist portrayal of the situation in the Gambia.  Instead of unambiguously telling things as they are, you try to rationalise them.  You started by condescending and patronizing  Mr Mbye.  Here is man who has been brutally abused by the callous and bilious NIA agents, yet again you telling us that, 'if the allegations are true' ...blah, blah, blah....  What are insinuating here?  Are you saying that Mr Mbye made up his story?  We do not want to know your closeness to Mr Mbye.  All we want is for the likes of you to accept that Yahya is averse to any form of criticism.  The APRC are not interested in nothing else other perpetuating themselves in power regardless of how Gambians fare.

To me all these 'silly' projects you keep pounding on us means zilch if in the end Gambians are not faring any better.  If all your narratives are indeed making any changes the lot of the Gambians, why did the Vice President say that poverty and sqalor is on the INCREASE.

Some of us want to see a much better and prosperous Gambia, where a conducive environment for development becomes the norm.  You can't tell me that a country where fear prevails is a good recipe for its citizenry to develop themselves.

Your quotations of Baffour Ankomah of the NA shows how frivolous and inept your political punditry is?   NA abhours all Yahya and his entourage stands.  I subscribe to this magazine and do know their stance towards the likes of Yahya, so spare us your nonsensical analogy. 

No amount of rationalizing and spinning shall change my position towards the APRC and their sick agenda.

Anyway, i'm out of here.



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