Thanks Gassama,

I am sad to hear about the lack of progress of KTR . This is nothing new . I remember after Seyfos Sadderr Manneh and Doudou N'dow that was when the decline was eminent. The Area Council and cooperative officers there were always out for their interests .

you are right with some development of a good river Ferry (passenger only) system plus the ministry of tourism taking tourists to the Stone circles in wassu Kuntaur can be born again within a year. The infrastructures are there and moreover the Gambia river is navigable up to KTR ALL year round ( about 150 mile up stream) 

You mention the lack of canvases ( locally called 'parlah' ) . how much do they cost there ( standard sizes say 20 by 20 /30/30 or 25 /15 ) There are relatively cheap here at home depot and come in blue or brown colors.  Maybe we can have a special farmers relief drive just to get them these much needed canvasses which can be used all year round like you said even for the rice and groundnuts seeds to avoid germination or not get the soapy taste.

And also the canvases can be used to help cover some homes that have leaks during the rains.

I heard that Jalamang Keita is the new Chief ( he was our alkalo in the good old days of Seyfo Doudou Ndow.   my Best regards and wishes to all there (KTR)

Habib Alii Diab Ghanim 


Your first hand briefingg is very much apprecuiated and thank you again


>From: Jungle Sunrise <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: A Serious cause for concern.
>Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 14:41:16 +0000
>Ghanim, Momodou Camara and all others who are following this
>weather of ours, I am happy to report that it seems that we have
>seen the
>worst of it. The sun has started shining in the GBA and Kombos,
>after three
>days, and the rains have subsided elsewhere. Unfortunately, the met.
>had warned us that it was expected to last about ten days. I hope
>they are
>dead wrong.
>On the issue of storage facilities, I am afraid that even though
>there are a
>number of facilities throughout the country, there aren't any
>canvasses to
>cover our farmers' produce. What the DOSA is advising Secco
>supervisors and
>farmers are to spread the the groundnuts thin to allow for the
>of air so that the groundnuts do not become moldy. They have also
>issued the
>same advise to our rice farmers so that their rice does not start
>As for dear old KTR, well it is doing fine. Unfortunately due to the
>ineptitude of the various area councilors that they had, almost all
>infrastructures that were woefully neglected are in a terrible
>state. Nearby
>Wassu is however growing very rapidly and is more of a commercial
>town than
>KTR. Any way I am hopeful that with the eminent revival of river
>it may make a big comeback. The white elehant concrete wharf that we
>but never used except for our various Mansa Killas and Mansa
>Killabas is
>still there and may still be useable after almost fifteen years of
>Have a good day, Gassa.
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