Gassama, by pointing out whether List Management (Momodou Camara and
Malanding Jaiteh) contacted you about your choice of words, I was just
bringing to light the hypocrisy inherent in the censorship some List
Managers engage in at times.  You can use those words if you want.  If you
use them inappropriately, I will point out your stupidity.  I just wanted to
expose your ‘baby-sitters’ on the List.

What voter turnout are you talking about?  I could not stop laughing after
reading Essa Sey’s (Yero Mama) garbage and turning around and seeing that
Halifa Sallah might be going to Parliament with about 25% of the vote.  This
is simply amazing.  If you add the total number of votes that were cast in
Serrekunda Central, the total is far less than the number of people that
abstained from voting (assuming of course that the registers reflect the
real number of eligible voters in Serrekunda Central).  In other words,
Halifa Sallah, like his APRC cohorts do NOT have a mandate.  We are going to
have a bogus Parliament.  Seems like it was not worth the while of Casamance
citizens to travel to Gambia this time and cast ‘their’ votes.

But, that is NOT even the major effect of the boycott.  The major effect of
the boycott is that more than 80% of the electorate did NOT participate in
these elections.  Because of the boycott, the whole world can now see a
One-Party-State when they look at Gambia.  The so-called Opposition MPs will
be impotent.  Worse still, they will be part and parcel of APRC illegality.

I wonder what rebuttal you are talking about emanating from the IEC.  The
IEC came out and said that ‘voter-transfer’ did take place.  They gave us
the numbers for the people that ‘moved’ and told us that the ‘move’ was done
in accordance with the AFPRC/APRC Election Decree.  So what are you talking
about?  I have seen your shallow argument before, that rather than thousands
of voters ‘moving’, only 1500 voters ‘moved’.  I thought I already responded
to that one.  Let’s try again.  Stealing is wrong whether you steal $1,000
or you steal $100, 000.  I hope you get my point this time.

Reports reaching me state that the APRC candidate that stood against Hamat
Bah is complaining that there were a lot of ‘foreigners’ in Saloum that
voted for Hamat Bah.  This Gambian ‘comedy’ cannot get any better.  What is
next?  Is the APRC candidate in Serrekunda Central going to take Halifa
Sallah’s advice and take Halifa to court to try and overturn the election?
Remember, five hundred votes is NOT difficult to overturn.  You people are
just hilarious.  Inmates running the asylum.

I wish that not only you, but the whole APRC membership, underestimate the
genuine Opposition to the Dictatorship.  That will only lead to you
inevitable demise.  The Opposition will henceforth be more effective.
Everyone knew that the Parliament is NOT effective.  Remember, they passed
the Indemnity Decree to insulate the murderers of our children.  They also
refused to investigate Yaya’s ‘Crude Oil’ Scandal.  It is going to get more
impotent.  The Opposition has already dealt a devastating blow to the
Parliament.  With less than 20% participating in the Parliamentary
elections, that speaks volumes about the chamber.  We have a
One-Party-State.  A Dictatorship.

>From: Jungle Sunrise <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Attn: Dampha (List Management)
>Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 10:57:51 +0000

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