Mr Camara,
can u please look into whether BAKS is still subscribed to L.  I count on u
due to u efficiency on other occasions.


>From: "Bakary Kanteh" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: PERSONAL: Not receiving mails
>Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 17:21:05 +0000
>Dear Mr Mboge,
>I have not received any mail from the L since having posted my last mail.
>It is unlikely to be a general problem but could you please let me know the
>real situation.
>Maybe the regime has bought some members of Gambia-L management to shut out
>what they regard as 'unconventional or unpatriotic views' such as mine. I
>am only speculating, (Laugh!) but it is possible considering the extent to
>which these people are ready to go against their critics.
>If i am being excluded, could you kindly send this message to the L until i
>am able to find out for my self who the heck is responsible for this
>shameful act, he or she will have to tell me if the L is his or her private
>property or that of whoever gave the orders for my exclusion.
>Thank you

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