Sedia Jatta’s brother as victim of alleged kidnap attempt

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Sedia Jatta the PDOIS politician returned to the National Assembly for Wuli
West has alleged that officers of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) had
attempted on two occasions to abduct his elder brother during the campaign

Honourable Jatta who was speaking Tuesday at an occasion marking his
triumphant return from Wuli where he had since then been residing, also
stated that members of the APRC had gone further to deny him parking his own
vehicle in his own compound in Wuli.

According to him this was geared towards creating problems for the PDOIS,
which is an advocate of mature politics. “Election is the period when people
exercise their rights and power, but the APRC do not like it that way” he
said, stressing that there is no PDOIS supporter who would be applauded by
the leadership for instigating violence.

He said PDOIS rather emphasise the principle of peace, tranquility and
understanding. Sedia Jatta who was also the PDOIS presidential candidate in
the presidential election warned those responsible for what he called acts
of tyranny and intimidation to stop immediately, if the country would take
up reconciliation and forge ahead.

Honourable Jatta congratulated the Gambian people for their support and
expressed delight that the people of Serrekunda Central have received enough
enlightenment to find it necessary to vote into the Assembly Halifa Sallah.

“The world doesn’t possess legs yet still it moves. No one has ever expected
that such an occasion would come to pass. One has to be very careful and
always remember that the people own power, and that is why we vote.

We should all know ourselves and if a person does not respect himself we
would then be comparable to rubbish” enthused Halifa Sallah the newly
elected member for Serrekunda Central.

Mr. Sallah who was convinced that a new political era has dawned in The
Gambia following his election and the re-election Sedia Jatta, stressed that
the politics of foolery has become a thing of the past, which he said has
been the mechanism employed by the APRC in the past election to mislead the
electorates into believing that opposition parliamentarians have no use
because they cannot engineer or bring about any meaningful development to
the country.

“But when the PDOIS faced them the whole of the APRC from the president
downwards were not at ease” he said. Renewing his response to President
Jammeh’s criticism of the PDOIS as a party of non-believers Honourable
Sallah opined that is the biggest mistake president Jammeh has made is to
mudsling his party.

“We will reply to him for the last time so that the politics of character
assassination would end here. But if he does it again, we will reply to him
and that which will make him tear the ground and enter it. What we yearn for
is national development and not such less important issues” he stressed.

Halifa Sallah said President Jammeh’s religiosity is in doubt as he hold
prayer beads while he dance the Jola traditional bukarabu. “I am convinced
that the president has little knowledge in the Quran because if he does not,
he would have adhered to the principles of the Islamic religious which does
not allow flamboyant lifestyle enjoying the people’s money at their own
expense” Halifa charged.

He quoted a long verse from the Holy Quran to verify his point adding that
he would always be involved in peace advocacy and what will forge the
country ahead. “The Gambia can be an example in Africa” he added.

Halifa however thanked the Gambian people and promised that his party would
within the next five years be involved in a lot of advocacy so that more and
more Gambians would discover the politics of foolery as the people of
Serrekunda Central and Wuli West did.

He ended his speech with a lot of slogans that called for the empowerment of
the people. Sedia Jatta returned from Wuli to a rousing procession of PDOIS
faithfuls who were estimated to be thousands. The procession started from St
Charles Lwanga Catholic church in Fajikunda and went around the streets of

Religious leaders condemn slave-master system

Religious leaders across the country have unreservedly condemned the
so-called slave and master system thought to be existing in Kerewan, where
there was tension over who should be buried in the town’s cemetery which was
being reserved for so-called free-borns.

Describing such a practice as unislamic and anti-civilization which has a
deep rooted culture not only in the Gambia around Africa the religious
leaders asserted that so-called slave and master discrimination has been a
socio-cultural belief that has its roots in history.

They explained that because of this some people take it to be acceptable in
religion. They added that this deeply rooted cultural belief has over the
years led to a series of socio-cultural crisis among people living together.

In an interview with The Independent the imam of state house mosque Abdoulie
Fatty said that slavery had existed well before Islam and also along side
Islam but he noted that the type of slavery recommended and approved by
Islam is when one refuses the call to Islam.

He added that our cultural way of acquiring slave is not in line with Islam
and therefore not recommended. He emphasized that all Muslims are equal
before God and that the best Muslims are those who fear God the most.

Imam Fatty warned against instigating violence quoting a verse in the Quran
which says that that Satan is sleeping and that who ever wakes it will
receive the curse of God. He also condemned the segregation of graveyards
for so called masters and their so-called slaves as unislamic and

On his part the outspoken imam of kanifing mosque Imam Baba Leigh emphasized
that Islam condemns anyone who treats his fellow human being as a slave. “In
fact Islam has eradicated slavery using such method like if a freeborn
marries a slave and delivers a child who is free. Imam Leigh asserted that
segregating people in the graveyard is unfounded.

He said that what is important is to fear God. He advised people to live
together in a peaceful atmosphere and treat each other with love and
affection and warned against segregating people at death. He also said, what
is important is to face God with good deeds in worship and God-fearing

He finally called on Muslims to be tolerant and build mutual understanding
and fraternity between them. Sheikh Jibril Kujabi of the Tallinding Islamic
Institute gave a historical account of Islamic ways of acquiring slaves and
noted that it is only the Islamic way of acquiring slave that is

He explained that acquiring slaves during fighting a Jihad is legal so is
inheriting a slave captured in a jihad or buying a slave captured during a
Jihad. He warned that other ways of regarding people as slaves is not
Islamic and therefore cannot be accepted.

Imam Kujabi asserted that there is nothing like segregation in Islam, citing
the holy city of Medina where many slaves had lived together with prophet
Muhammad and his companions in peace without suffering discrimination as far
as where they were buried were concerned.

He further went on to say that it is high time that people distinguished
between culture, and sharia noting that any aspect of culture that doesn’t
conform with sharia should be abandoned.

He asserted that a Muslim is equal to all other Muslims. He warned people to
desist from keeping slaves and segregating in graveyards. He added that
burying the dead is an act of worship and that who ever took part in it will
be rewarded in the hereafter.

Many other religious leaders expressed similar sentiments and appealed for
tolerance, peace and understanding among Muslims in particular and humanity
in general.

As crisis gets from bad to worse Continent Bank Manager fired

The managing director of the Continent Bank Kawsu Gibba has been fired from
his post impeccable sources there intimated to The Independent.

His sacking comes amidst consistent reports about the bank’s crisis of
mismanagement, which led to a dampening of customer confidence and a flurry
of withdrawals. Mr. Gibba was said to among the board of directors of the
Civil Aviation Authority, which was also reportedly dissolved recently.

People who spoke to this reporter at the bank said customers could not
withdraw huge amounts to run their businesses because the bank was plunged
in a financial hubbub.

Recently the bank’s branch in Brikama was the scene of long queues by
customers eager to withdraw their money after press reports caused a scare
and deflated confidence among customers.

The crisis had culminated in the disappearance of Murad Beyzid the former
manager of the bank. Mr. Gibba has been re-elected as National Assembly
member for Foni Kansala, a position he had held since 1997. Honourable Gibba
could not be reached to shed light on the issue.

Slain Gambian buried in Spain Angered blacks vow to seek justice

More than a month after he was killed 39 year-old Essa Marong who died in
circumstances, which incriminate the Spanish police was finally laid to rest
Tuesday at a emotionally charged funeral organised by Gambians and other
black immigrants in Spain.

Thousands of black immigrants attended the funeral, which was another
occasion to echo anti-racist sentiments against the Spanish police, who are
being blamed by Gambians and other West Africans there for what they called
a racist murder.

Essa was reportedly gagged and beaten with police batons and died from
injuries resulting from what his compatriots called naked police brutality,
spurred by a racist mindset by the police.

His death had sparked a storm of violent anti-racist protest from Gambians
and other West Africans who could not make out the reason for the alleged
brutality by the Spanish police who are yet to come out with a comprehensive
statement over how he died.

Bully Marong Essa’s elder brother had told The Independent that his
brother’s mortal remains were laid to rest after spending over a month in a
private hospital in Larida to where it was hastily taken by the Spanish
police after he died in one of their cells. The police have also refused to
come out with a statement about the reason for his arrest.

Bully added that the family of the deceased had earlier requested for the
body to be evacuated to The Gambia for a decent burial befitting a Muslim
but this was curtly turned down by Gambians and other black immigrants
there, who are engaging the services of lawyers to work out the modalities
of bringing Essa’s alleged murderers to justice.

The black immigrants have since vented their anger over the lack of action
by the Spanish authorities, whom they accused of allowing the alleged
perpetrators to go scot-free. Bully however, revealed that members of the
Gambian community in Spain have vowed to pursue the tragic case to the end.

Essa who was residing in Larida Spain, since he left The Gambia four years
ago, as part of the steady tide of African economic migrants to Europe in
search of greener pastures, died after being manhandled by the Spanish
police officers who were having him detained in their cells for a crime that
remains far from far.

The late Essa Marong was born in Badibbu Jajarin in the North Bank Division
and was married to one Jara Saidy with whom he had four children before
travelling to Spain.

New Gambian High Commissioner to UK?

Unimpeachable sources within the National Intelligence Agency and the
Department of Foreign Affairs have intimated to The Independent that Tijan
Bah is the Gambia’s new High Commissioner to the UK.

Prior to his appointment Tijan was a senior officer at the NIA. Sources
revealed that Tijan’s appointment resulted from the reshuffles in the NIA.
Mr. Bah’s whose appointment came following the withdrawal of the deputy
Gambian High Commissioner from UK Fatou AK Njie as a retaliatory step by the
British for the expulsion last August of the deputy British high
Commissioner Bharat Joshi.

However, the SoS for Foreign Affairs could not be reached but the deputy
permanent secretary there said Alasan Krubally told our reporter that he was
not aware of Mr. Bah’s appointment. “It is not up to my notice” he

Efforts to talk to Tijan Bah himself proved futile as he was said to be
indisposed but an insider, speaking under condition of anonymity confirmed
his appointment.

Independent View

Spotting the problem

A growing tide of Islamic fundamentalism is brewing in our sub-region and
very few seem to be aware of its implications. Any day from now Safiya
Hussaini Tungar-Tudu, a 35-year-old Nigerian woman with a year-old infant,
who was last year, found guilty of adultery may be buried up to her waist in
the sand and stoned to death.

She would have been stoned last week but the execution was again delayed
because the local court adjourned an appeal hearing until March.

The delay in Miss Hussaini’s execution came at the behest of a group of 77
Euro-MPs who pleaded her case with President Olusegun Obasanjo and have
requested he throw out the sentence. The fifth of 12 children, Miss Hussaini
gave birth to an illegitimate child, which is the only proof required by the

Although Safiya said she was raped and the alleged father is at large, the
authorities seemed not to pay heed to her plea or plight. We believe that
collapse of the old regime in Afghanistan ought to mark the beginning of the
end to stonings and other medieval practices copied from the Taliban.

Already, the EU in a letter to Nigerian President has implored the
government to respect “international human-rights standards.” The biggest
concern in Nigeria today is the apparent rise of Islamic fundamentalism and
if not curtailed it may spread to the rest of the sub-region, judging by the
high level of migratory movements.

Just like Indonesia, Nigeria is a big and populous country rich in natural
resources and the potential for instability. It is a source of succor that
the European Parliament, a pretty lonely voice on the Hussaini case, has
sent a strong message to President Obasanjo who oversees a fledgling
democracy beset by recurring - and worryingly bloody - clashes between
Muslims and Christians.

Judging by the growing fears that the execution of Ms. Hussaini will bring
more violence, the opposite is more likely. Even the Europeans are also
making that clear. The Europeans are also pointing out to Mr. Obasanjo that
Nigeria gets most of its development aid from the EU - 70 million euros in
2000, and 552 million euros available through 2006 if the country sticks to
democracy and tries to live by human rights standards.

The Parliament, similarly, is out in front in trying to bring Zimbabwe’s
would-be dictator Robert Mugabe to heel through “smart sanctions.” Different
incentives can work in Nigeria. We plead with the international community
not to stay aloof, but instead assist that country in whatever way possible,
to find a quick solution to the disturbing rising phenomenon of religious

Over the years, the EU hasn’t been particularly good in using its very
generous aid budgets to influence foreign policy. It’s a surprise, to say
the least, that the Parliament has turned out to be the EU institution
endeavoring to give it a try.

We call on the international community not to hesitate in applying both
covert and overt pressures in ensuring that African governments abide by
acceptable international standards. We Ecowas citizens cannot afford a
regime in the sub-region structured after the ousted Taliban.

Beards as bone of contention in Nusrat Secondary

Reports reaching The Independent have hinted of a charged atmosphere at
Nusrat Senior Secondary School where students have threatened to protest
against any move by the school’s authorities to punish them for not removing
their beards as demanded of the.

Some students of the school say they would not accept the school
authorities’ plan to prevent from attending school any student who does not
comply with the school’s rules and shave off their beards, which the
authorities there say is not how boys should look in campus.

Report from the school also disclose that a disciplinary committee has been
set-up to take action against those students who have disregarded the school
rule and continue to sport beard in classes. The issue of beard has been a
contentious problem in the school since last year when boys wearing beard to
school have persistently ignored the school rule.

It is said that their obstinacy has angered the school authorities to take
the mater seriously and prevent “renegade” students from entering the
school, which they reportedly argued should be seen as entertaining decent
boys and girls.

A student of the school speaking under condition of anonymity revealed that
last Monday during the school assembly students wearing beard were told to
stand aside from the rest of the line and later reprimanded in the full
glare of their peers.

He said this had angered the bearded students who saw the action as an
unnecessary breach of their respect. The principal of the school Karamo
Bojang said removing their beards is one part of the school’s rules and
regulations, which must be observed by all students of the school.

He spoke about the need for students to dress and appear like students.
“There are less than three students with beards in my school though” he
added. Nonetheless some of the students whom our reporter was able to
interview said punishing students for wearing beards is a backward idea,
which cannot work.

“Growing beards is one feeling and nothing is wrong with that” said one
visibly angry student. According to them, this new measure must be planned
by some senior staff of the school “who are acting like the principal”. “We
are waiting for that day” they said.

In OJ and co trial Bag of stones presented in court

The criminal proceedings at the Kanifing Magistrate court involving Omar
Amadou Jallow alias OJ and six others took a dramatic turn Wednesday 23rd
January when Salka Fall the plaintiff tendered a bag of stones as missiles
allegedly used by a crowd of opposition supporters on her in Ebo Town.

Salka was trying to convince the court over the alleged use of stones by her
alleged attackers. “There have never been any stones in my compound before
the incident” declared Mrs. Salka Faal during cross-examination by Lawyer
Ousainou Darboe the counsel for the defence. Mrs. Salka Faal who had brought
to court a bag of stones, which was alleged to have been thrown at her by
UDP supporters during a political clash at Ebo Town, said she had picked the
stones the morning after the incident assisted by one Fatou Sanneh.

She said she had not counted the number of stones they had picked from the
compound but claimed that they were many. “I took the stones to the
Tallinding police station to one officer called Jesus who recorded my
statement” she said.

On how she identified Mamady Yafa and Bamba Bahoum as her alleged attackers,
she explained that days after the incident Inspector Jesus had taken her to
the Kairaba police station to identify the alleged perpetrators of the
assault on her during their arrest as suspects.

Lawyer Darboe however put it to her that those two accused persons were not
at Ebo Town on the day of the attack but that they were at Bakau preparing
for the UDP night political broadcast. He added that the people she
identified were arrested on September 28 2001 for allegedly molesting Baba

Salka had however, insisted that they were recognisable to her since she had
seen them at Ebo Town on the day of the clash. Salka revealed that four
members of her APRC club (Yai Compin), Fatou Sanneh, Combeh Badjie, Isatou
Gaye and Fatou Badjie were also taken the next day to the Kairaba station by
the same Jesus to identify the accused persons.

Lawyer Darboe meanwhile concluded that apart from Salka identifying herself
as an artist, all that she had told the court were untrue. It could be
recalled that OJ and others appeared in court to face criminal charges for
allegedly assault and threatening the public peace.

I’m not shaken by Jammeh’s threats Hamat Bah asserts

In response to President Jammeh’s threat to deal with him after the National
Assembly election for allegedly playing the politics of tribalism, Hamat Bah
the leader of the National Reconciliation Party and member for Upper Saloum
has described such threats as a political joke never to deter him from
fighting for the restoration of democracy and good governance in the

Speaking to our reporter at his party’s bureau in Banjul Mr. Bah who was
recently re-elected as member for Upper Saloum, noted that as a Gambian he
has great respect for President Jammeh whom he said is welcomed to deal with
him at any time he so wish.

Hamat said he is not shaken as a politician who is out to defend the Gambian
people and to work for the betterment of the country. Mr. Bah added that the
allegation of politics of tribalism by President Jammeh was erroneous and as
a party leader he was to show maturity in politics instead of character

He added that as his party was concerned, they are not the least
tribalistic. How can Jammeh accuse me of tribalism which he has preached and
strengthened in Foni to an extent that no opposition party is allowed to
hold meetings there” he queried.

Commenting on the outcome of the election Mr. Bah stated that although a lot
of state machinery and inducement were used in the run-up to the election,
yet he has proven to the APRC that he was force to be reckoned after gaining
a remarkable increase in voters in all constituencies NRP had vied for.

He added that though it was rather unfortunate to secure one seat out of ten
they have participated in order to avoid the concentration of the APRC in
Upper Saloum that was mainly targeted.

He added that his victory means a lot for the people of Upper Saloum who
over the past five years have enjoyed some development projects, which they
have never enjoyed since independence. “This seat shall always remain a
political base for the NRP” he stressed.

The NRP leader however admitted that the APRC members in the National
Assembly would have more weight against the opposition member in
deliberations due to their numerical strengths.

He said despite this the opposition would have great impact as they would
make their views known to their colleagues and the Gambian people during
deliberations on essential issues.

Harping on his priorities over the next five years, Mr. Bah stated that he
would be working on important projects and programmes so as to improve the
living conditions of his people whom he described as heroes, struggling
against all odds to get him back to the Assembly.

Armed men strike Brikama-Ba On dead, one injured

Seven armed men in the wee hours of Monday 21 January 2002 with very
powerful weapons invaded the provincial town of Brikama-Ba and attacked two
shops belonging a Mauritanian business tycoon Amad Faal and a Gambian Amadou

One of the attackers was shot dead on the head while six of them disappeared
with over D5, 000 and 25, 000 CFA. A police officer intimated to The
Independent said the attackers invaded the town with motorbikes first
attacked Amad Faal a Mauritanian shopkeeper and took away D5, 000 and D25,
000 CFA and later attacked Amadou Gaye’s shop both of which are at the
Brikama-Ba market.

Amadou Gaye according to our sources shot dead one of the armed men. He shot
another one who escaped crying over his wounds and the rest of the six
escaped into Casamance. Four A.K 47 bullets were found on the way as they
disappeared through Boiram and Fass Abdou pass.

Shortly after the attackers left the Brikama-Ba police was said to have
followed them to the border at Pata and reported the matter to Senegalese
soldiers at the border. According to Ebrima Fatty, a military intervention
team from Kudang led by one Lt. Paul Mendy went after the armed robbers but
could not see them.

Residents of Brikama-Ba who called The Independent said a lot of gunshots
were heard in the wee hours of Monday morning and has caused big alarm. They
however accused the Casamance rebels of the act.

They called on the government to introduce more security measures to be
taken to stop such situations.

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