Yuspha Jow  and Mr Fye,

Welcome back and happy new year. May this year be peaceful and good for all of us.

I would kindly beg both of you to put this finger pointing  on the shelf and be engaged with constructive materials you both had started earlier.  Besides  the personal affairs of each individual should be respected and if we need to give brotherly  advise it is best done privately or directly.not in public. I know both of your families and would hate to see this personal insults  continue.

You are both highly respectable and educated persons and I hope my request would be taken into consideration.

Thanks again

Habib Diab Ghanim, Sr  

>From: Y C Jow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Elhajj Fye: God + Yahya Jammeh
>Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:47:13 EST
>Kotu Elhajj:
>I have been on vacation and thus unable to responds to your allegations of my
>homosexuality. Your outburst was very non-Islamic and unlike my allegations
>of your clear double standards (which btw I can substantiate based on your
>posts on this forum), you have no evidence to substantiate yours.
>I have a deep suspicion that you were not referring to me but someone else.
>In this regard, I have nothing to be concerned about because your
>unsubstantiated allegations do not concern me directly.
>Even if I were gay (which i am not), that wouldn't make me less of an
>upstanding human being than yourself. I would rather be gay and righteous
>rather than be an individual that speaks out of both sides of his/her mouth.
>Before closing this topic, I would like to refer back to your comments in Mid
>Dec, where you claimed that God gave us Yaha Jammeh. Kindly let us know what
>you meant by that comment?
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