Mr. Krubally,

This not only VP chaney ,it is Bush Clinton and almost ALL the senate and congress.

These crooks at Enron knew exactly what theywere after so they mad donations to all the parties and candidates.

I think all the board and execs of ENron should have all their assets sold plus Enron's and give the funds to the employees who cant' put food on their table or pay their mortgages or even collect unemployment.. This is much deeper than it looks.

To me personally this will hurt America more than 911.

I know someone who worked there personally and he was lucky he left the job for another in NJ , BUT lost all he had in stocks and options.

we should not blame only African leaders it is world wide.The only difference between them is that they do not kill openly like our leaders.

>From: "M.B.Krubally" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Corporate Greed
>Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 15:09:21 -0800
>Habib, and Conteh,
>The bottom line with Enron is Insider trading. The Executives move to sell stock months before the collapse must be because of some information they have that was not available to the public. The government and the SEC should probably put a cap on the amount of stock an Executive can sell within a period. At times, going to jail unfortunately is not server enough to stop such greed. I hope "Mr. lay-lie like a rock talk, for there is more to this than we all know. I hope VP Cheney talks too.
>Momodou Krubally
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