     I was relaxing during an evening  "ataya" session when i saw your
article...it surely slapped my feelings.

How on earth could that governor or whatever say that! in the name of
Islam?.I for one totally disagree with him on certain points.We have been
taught at the village "daarahs" that only two major sins are unforgivable by
Allah ie:insulting and denying his existence without repenting.Or Killing a
fellow humanbeing intentionally without a just cause eg:lawful means(a court
of law) or for religious reasons via the codes of Shar'iah!
What should come into one's mind is how,when and why does shari'ah apply
such harsh punnishments.
The how is based on the fact that;the individual has been caught committing
adultery,thus the act to be  testified by four principal witnesses who
should be elderly, pious and  renowned for being good and God-fearing
individuals within that given community.
The when comes immidiately after all four witnesses have testified that they
stood and saw the two accused persons in action (live and direct) excuse me
but i am trying to simplify the interpretations in one of the books of
shar'ah known as the "lagh dariyou"...in that particular book the references
are based on biological descriptions in order to give an exact
interpretation of what was revealed to the messenger of Islam.Such testimony
should be accompanied with swearing by holding the qur'an on the right hand
and then testify.  Those WITNESSES should bear in mind that if they are
lying or conspiring against the accused  worse punnihments will be imposed
on them in hell fire whenever they die!!!
Now faith plays a lot on the latter.
The why comes for social reasons.The teachings of Islam or any religion that
prohibits adultery are simply based on the following facts.Eg:maintaining
peace and stability amongst neighbours or those who live together within a
given society.It is also intended for those who aren't faithful towards God
to bear in mind that once caught the faithful should be satisfied, by them
the offenders being punnished.
Actually,it also matters for us to put into consideration,the way faith is
measured  in Islam for that matter! Allah and Muhammad(SAWS)His prophet do
not know slaves,serfs, etc!etc! the more faithful and pious a believer
is,the closer he or she is to his or her creator.Basically it comes back to
the fact that its only via one's soul that faith can be nourished.
I believe Allah said lets know him before we worship HIM!
So the woman in Nigeria might have been ignorant of the teachings of Islam
in the first place!
The other end makes me feel sorry for the poor woman because truely speaking
there is no female that commits adultery without a male partner! What will
then happen to the partner in this case?! That is a big question i and
others have in their heads!
You see the fact of the matter is that;some muslims make others hate our
religion! Some of us find that hard to believe and accept!

The categories of highly rated sins,are well known to all those who read the
good books of the religion.
Shari'ah isn't applicable on people who have not mastered and understood the
texts as they are coded.Infact those affected should be muslims that
understand the inns and outs of the texts.
A non believer who understands the texts shouldn't be concerned unless he or
she shows total disrespect to the authorities of a particular islamic set
Please brothers even in the holy book of Allah and his messengers it has
been clearly stated in Suratul Quaafiroon that none is forced to either
follow or reject the teachings of this religion!

So please i do not share the idea of forcing people to believe or
disbelieve!During the early days of islam it was the king of Abyssynia who
gave refuge to some muslims who ran away from being persecuted.History has
taught us that;the Abyssinain king was African-that shows us a non racist
In the holy book Muhammad(SAWS)stood side by side with the jews to condemn
the way Fir awn(pharaon)treated Mousa or Moses! Firawn is believed to have
been African!
See the egyptology of Cheikh Anta Diop.
Prophet Yusuph or Joseph was from Egypt,some do say he was African! Prophet
Muhammad's own Grandfather  Ismail we are told  originated from a black
slave!DUring the time of Prophet Abraham.Now haven't we seen a religion that
is teaching cordination and peace between all races?!
So where does the problem lie? Ofcourse!on those who interprete the texts!

Alhaji Malick Sey was once approached by a talibé with the undermentioned
questions ie:Yaa Sheikh what is your lesson to us today? Malick replied and
said:"JA JOU BAH"
The talibé asked the meaning and Malick replied again JANGA JOULY
BAI-meaning in wollof language READING(search for knowledge),PRAYING-meaning
in wollof language( praying
to your lord),BAI-meaning in wollof language(farming).Alhaji Malick was
teaching his talibés to be aware,work hard and pray(be disciplined).
The second question was:Yaa Sheikh what should we start with when searching
for knowledge? Malick replied and said:"GEUMAL TEH BUL GEUM"-meaning in
wollof language:Believe and do not be blind!
Indeed being blind is following the direction of your cane whether wrong or
So the misinterpretation of all theologies stems from ignorance or fanatical
approaches.A learned sholar can hardly be a fanatic!
So please lets teach the real texts of love and hide the real texts of
hypocisy and hatred!


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