
I came back to work this morning to find yet another bag of garbage from
you. Don't you have any shame? What question did you ask me? You make a
wild accusation and then turn round call it a question?

For your information, I am no ass-licker like you. I have held and voiced
out strong opinion on important national issues and have been politically
active for well two decades now. So a political novice and celebrated ass-
licker like you comes along and to call me a fence-sitter?

Go to hell!

----- Original Message -----
From: Jungle Sunrise
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: This is truly amazing!

Amadou Kabir,

For the life of me I really cannot understand your outburst. I ask you a
simple question that you may choose to answer or ignore, but instead to
such lengths making wild accusations. For your information, I am on leave
and have been on leave for the past two weeks.


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