Bro Essa

Thanks  and may your mission be successful . I pray for it .

Was it the ferry or the Serer boats that capsized ? from what I understand  it was a small boat ,overloaded to the brim.. These greedy boat owners must be accountable and they must be regulated . Do we have a sea patrol??


Sorry to bother you now with these questions but we all learn from our mistakes  The .Barra
experience is not new since colonial day. i have crossed with canoes as small as five feet and it was really scary!!. THIS USUALLY HAPPENS WHEN THE FERRY IS OUT FOR DIFFERENT REASONS . should these small boat owners be banned?/

let us see what happens

>From: YERO MAMA <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Genuine complains Banjul/Barra ferry,Gvt is doing something.
>Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 09:18:44 +0000
>Habib Ghanim,
> Thanks for forwarding that info on line. As the saying
>WHO KNOWS IT FEELS IT...i fully agree with what those passengers
>have said
>because i am from that end.Infact it was just five weeks ago that i
>from BARRA to BANJUL using that very ferry.
>If you can remember few months back on his way from South Africa
>prez Jammeh
>passed thru Kiev Ukraine on an official visist.Part of the
>included getting friends from Ukraine,to be used in the
>Kunda)etc.However,as of
>now priority is being given to the Barra/Banjul sea route.Those
>ferries will
>be received very soon,because at this moment a high ranking
>comprising of the SOS foreign Affairs,B.I Jagne,SOS Works and Comm E
>Singhateh plus others from the depts concerned are in Kiev,Ukraine.
>Indications have shown that the negotiations were fruitful and very
>soon,ALLAH will answer to our good prayers.Those people who are
>at Barra or Banjul ferry terminals have the right to do so
>espepcially where
>they empowered the regime to stay for another five years.So we will
>everything possible to adress their problems forthwith.
>Negotiating the financing of the procurement of ferries or other
>isn't a new phenomenon for some of us here so i for one will be
>burning the
>midnight candle in trying to get assistance towards the development
>of our
>beloved nation!
>So thanks Habib such complains are genuine and if adressed will
>favour both
>the opposition and the opposed,because the ferry passengers aren't
>supporters of 'APPPRC'(laugh). Thats the latest terminology from
>Alhaji Ham
>Ham and co. Gambial "mo neh waaye!"
>"Speak the speeches and let the speeches not spit you."
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