
I like your succinctness and consistency.  Lately the word patriotism and the phrase 'in the national interest' have been bastardised and prostituted so much so that there true meanings have become blurry. 

We have on this distro a bunch of nincompoops oozing all kind of creepy stuff they do not understand.  I cringe anytime they come with their droopiness on how the Gambia is moving forward. They jump ,squeal and spew  all kind garbage about the Jammeh's silly projects. Yet they disregard the facts you highlighted in your piece. 

They rather spread lies about people. Some of them  feel so much self-importance that they arrogantly made themselves to believe that people spend their valuable time talking about them. 

I believe these bunch deserve to be caged in the Kanilai zoo to keep Jammeh company. 

Brother, keep the fire burning and i wish you all the best.

kindest of regards,



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