Brother Yus Jow

September 11 would NOT have happened if Clinton was president. I am certain. He felt the pain of the people literally as he says and does not lie about it. Bush came about with the controversial  Florida elections mishap and it was such  a close one so he has many political enemies from within not only outside ( not to say Clinton did not have  any- not as magnified as Bush in my opinion) .

Bin Laden or AlQueda  terrorists  COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS JOB WITHOUT SOME INSIDE HELP.The inside people in the pentagon, Us air force and even america's best ally (Israel) were upset at Bush's lean towards the Muslims and Arabs during the elections. Some bitter folks  just like the Bin laden terrorists probably worked together to get even with Bush (it could have been a coup if it was in Africa or some third world country)


Having said that it does not mean there were no racists in disguise in the Clinton adm . Gore was one of them . They used this unfortunate 9-11 tragic disaster to unleash their hidden hatred for us as different folks with different religion  in this manner. Why are the European immigrants never or hardly  effected?? Ask yourself and check it out for yourself. We here in Washington see it all . Try to get promoted fairly  in any law enforcement offices including the judiciary and see the clear cut ceiling with a  few exceptions to avoid having their dirty linen out.

Many of the African or Arab immigrants /students are hard working and God fearring . Illegal immigration has been rammpant then and nnow why do a selective deportation?  Even the hispanic are overlooked to sacrifice the Arab and African workers especially if they are musliims - just pllaiin descrimination and noothing else.

I would have been happy if they applied the same laws to alll of the immigrants  just as they would do in the airports check all passengers before they board not ony select a few. How do i know i am safe from the Europen loooking man or womman?? It is not a level pplain .period andthat is the crux of the mmatter.


let us pray that tthe truth comes out annd get the evil from within caught also not only from without. Tooo much emphasis is put on only one group of suspects and too little from inside .

take care annd EID MUBARAK to all. I just had my Tobaski cherreh with yappi harr and lama beanns. 





>From: Y C Jow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Some Gambians caught at the Atlanta Hartsfield Airport.
>Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 12:53:01 EST
>Thanks for your input. I suspected as much. Needless, to say this is an
>unfortunate episode in American history which gives credence to other folks
>who have argued that the Fed Govt. is embarking on a witchhunt in the
>backdrop of Sept. 11. I wonder how Clinton would have handled this sensitive
>matter.. After all, we all know that those victimized are some of the
>hardest workers in this country. What is wrong with working hard, a spirit
>which is highly valued in this country?
>The other unfortunate episode I have regretfully subjected everyone to is now
>water under the bridge from this perspective. I am of the firm commitment
>that such incidents occur in life for good reason. We take the discerning
>experiences out of them and move on... To say that this is an eye opener
>would be understating my this belief. But the road to life is long and windy
>and we never know where it may take us tomorrow... I am a firm believer in
>Karma and as such, I do not violate my relationship with other folk in this
>life... Never!
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